Ahoy, matey. There are a small number of puzzle pirates at this site. More if you count trial players who didn't subscribe.
My favorite of your comics so far is the first:
[Click to view comic: 'Puzzle Pirates War']
It may have something to do with the fact that I share the sentiment expressed. But I also think that one's the most cutting, and the most accessible to a general audience. Some of the others, I think, are kind of flat and matter-of-fact. For example, this:
[Click to view comic: 'Sheepish Ryan Speaks']
is funny when it happens to you in-game, but your comic just relates the experience, and doesn't expand upon it or really make a joke. Try making it exaggerated and imaginative. Make up some reason for why the sheep would follow you around... maybe it's a stalker, or a spy, or maybe it's just taunting us. Maybe it's like Silent Bob and it would have a lot to say if only you could find the right keyword. Maybe the sheep see so many greenies soliciting cybersex that they get the idea to do it themselves one day. I'm not sure any of these ideas are terribly hilarious, but hopefully you can see where I'm going with them.
People here may fairly criticize you for writing strips that will only be understood by players. I urge you not to solve this problem by adding lots of narration. Excess narration is frowned upon here, and for good reason. In fact, if I were you I wouldn't worry much about non-players understanding your strips. You'd probably have to sacrifice too much. But your post hinted that you might have some non-game-related strips in you, and if so, I'm looking forward to seeing them.
You seem like a promising new stripper, and I hope you work on your technique and stay with us. Welcome to Stripcreator, and please don't mind the trolls.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!