no... my house is complete chaos (1 sister, 3 brothers, and my mom...all in one house) so random topics come up often (such as farting)... I just used the snowman character for effect :P
Well then, if you'd simply taken the time to explain all that in a narrative caption, then perhaps the comic itself wouldn't have been so shockingly outlandish.
--- Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
Its sad when you need to explain the background to a fart joke...
And yet you willingly offered this explanation of your own accord, thus needlessly complicating things, while I was perfectly content simply to laugh at the word "butt."
--- Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
And yet you willingly offered this explanation of your own accord, thus needlessly complicating things, while I was perfectly content simply to laugh at the word "butt."
:P You could have accepted the extra tidbit as useless trivia tho.
Exactly. Freud realized that fart jokes are funny because farts eminate from one of a person's funny sex places (i.e. the "butt"). Which is also where the phrase "butt of the joke" came from.
--- Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.