"Waked"? Did you mean to say "baked"? Or perhaps "naked"?
He might have meant "Whacked" and wasn't quite sure on the spelling.
wabalaba and wark from the newbie,
a wackadoo is a person who is a step beyond crazy. and...
wacked: (adj) Crazy, messed up, stupid, retarded, or just doesn't make any sense. Usually when you say wacked, you are completely shocked by what you have just seen or experienced.
So says the official slang dictionary
i took a little artistic and lazy arse freedom to drop the silent c. Afterall where do you think slang comes from, anyway? Never was too good at following the norms if they served no or little purpose.
It is true, sometimes, i can not spell...i try to look it up but *gasp* sometimes, i am not, even, aware i am spelling it wrong. None of you old timers do that...do ya? phhhhhhhhhhhhht. here it comes arrrrrgh and i can't help myself... deja-booboo wark wark!
Now kill me for that hahahahahaha dare ya!
Okay... Now I'm a tad irritated.
#1: I was not making fun of the way you spell. I myself have mild dyslexia and have trouble spelling.
#2: I was poking at biped (due to his enjoyment of making a mountain out of a molehill), not at you (if you actually bothered to notice the false html tags in the post.)
#3: People spell words wrong by mistake all the time on here. I shouldn't have assumed, but you didn't have to take it that way. Don't take every post as a personal attack.
#4: If I have nothing to say to a person's comics, I won't say anything (no matter how bad or good they actually are) and it has nothing to do with being anally retenative or smashing their face in the dirt.
#5: I am not normally abrasive, but I will now be incredibly abrasive toward you and say this:
[Click to view comic: 'Quote from Possums: That was so stupid my ass exploded']
I will rate you hard, and unendingly.