Now let it be said that I very very very rarely insult anyone. I don't see any point in berrating a complete stranger over the internet. However there are exceptions to that rule: namely, when people ask me to. So here is my opinion of your work:
Firstly since the non-advent of your first comic way back on the 2nd of May 2002, a whopping 2 years ago, one might have expected your comic strip to feature at least one joke. Just one fucking JOKE! Hell, even Cathy managed that.
Now you might say that you made a joke about McDonalds not serving breakfast after 10:30. And by it's technical definition it may have fallen under that category:
Joke \Joke\, n. [L. jocus. Cf {Jeopardy}, {Jocular}, {Juggler}.] 1. Something said for the sake of exciting a laugh; something witty or sportive (commonly indicating more of hilarity or humor than jest); a jest; a witticism; as, to crack good-natured jokes.
It doesn't say whether or not it has to get a laugh. But let's face it. It wasn't funny. It wasn't close to funny. It wasn't even funny's distant illegitimate cousin. It was a pathetic squandered attempt at humour that was exucuted with such a lack of elan, that I feel is best characterised by the sound someone with serious head trauma emits when they get too excited.
Now I grant that I agree that McDonalds should serve breakfast after 10:30. Clearly so do you. So I can empathise with your need for hotcakes approaching mid-day. What I can't empathise with is your need for validation through the opinion of others.
But I can sympathise. It seems that you feel that the countless hours it took you to create those 14 wonderful strips, entitles you to a right to have people care about your work. So why has no one taken the time to rate you? Let me put forward an idea, a thought, a concept that perhaps has not occured to you of your own cerebral process:
Your comics, winkingjesus, are so bad, so worthless, that people will not rate them, read them, or care in the least whether you make them or not. "Oh please please, rate me, shower me with praise and attention". Seriously, what did you expect?
Now by all means, make whatever comics you want. I don't care one way or the other, and I encourage you to exercise your creative impulses. But please, for the love of god, stop whoring for attention. Now I'm not insulting you personally, I'm sure you're a very nice person. But you're a very nice person who urgently needs to practice entertaining with humour. And I'm cool with that. Honestly, I am. Right up until the point where you said "why doesn't anyone want to rate me?" and made a topic about it in a public forum.
So my rating? "Either come up with a joke, or shut the fuck up"/10.