Pink Donkey Wrangler
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| So it's like...4:00am and nothing to do but sit here and stare at a big square glowing screen | |
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| dude, you so arent doing what you just said. You just going to sleep in all day? | |
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| no, probably just sleep for a few hours, then get up and do the same thing that im not doing right now. | |
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| what the hell are you talking about? What are your plan for the weekend? | |
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| Shit, like usual, get fucked up, then wake up in the morning and wait for the awesome stories of what i did the night before. | |
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| Yes i know, im the one that usually lets you know. You dont even remeber what you did 5 minutes of the night before ON the night before. | |
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| haha, yeah like that one time when you were hammered, you hid your cigarettes, passed out then woke up a half hour later and forgot where you hid the cigarettes. | |
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| Yeah shut up. i never found them until like, 3 days later. They were hiding beside my god damn bed, behind the hanging sheet. Im such a moron. | |
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| yeah, then we told you that you were macking on that chick and she didnt even want you to. what the hell were you thinking? | |
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| I still dont remember that, although i do remember the part BEFORE it happened. I noticed there was a spare spot inbetweem the two girls, the alcohol gave me the idea that i had pimp skills. | |
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| good work you "pimp". you gave them the idea that you're a fucking moron. | |
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| Yeah so, i get more action than you do, fucking hippy. | |
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| Well its btter than looking like a drunken moron. You're always drunk for first impressions. | |
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| i am not. i have only drank like 3 times in the past month, i've had PLENTY of sober and successful first impressions. | |
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| oh like the time you saw that chick checking you out and you went up to her and said "Hey baby, nice legs...what time do they open?" | |
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| i thought i seen a mirror in her pocket, because i could totally see myself in her pants. | |
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| oh god, shut the hell up with the pick up lines. | |
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| hey hey! get this, i got a great one i should try out:Â Â Â Â Â "Im great at math: U + I = 69" LOLOLOL GET IT@!??!?? | |
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| yeah uhhh, thats great...i'll pass on the 69 though. | |
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| my shirt has magicly changed | |
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| wierd....hey, i got a bet for you... | |
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| I bet YOU $20 that if you give me $50, I'll give you $100 in return, Want to bet? | |
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| You asshole, no i dont want to bet, i'll be out $50. Nice one though! | |
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| yeah haha i know, i like using it on people with deformed brains...causes them to pass out. | |
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| Yeah well, i'd be your dad, but your mom didnt have change for a dollar. | |
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| how about i pull a better one out of my ass? | |
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| what, a dad or change for my dollar? | |
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| fuck you, im leaving...and stop changing your shirt half way through you asshole. | |
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