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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Boring Conversation



Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Boring conversation by shank
So it's like...4:00am and nothing to do but sit here and stare at a big square glowing screen
dude, you so arent doing what you just said. You just going to sleep in all day?
no, probably just sleep for a few hours, then get up and do the same thing that im not doing right now.
what the hell are you talking about? What are your plan for the weekend?
Shit, like usual, get fucked up, then wake up in the morning and wait for the awesome stories of what i did the night before.
Yes i know, im the one that usually lets you know. You dont even remeber what you did 5 minutes of the night before ON the night before.

Boring Conversation PART 2 by shank
haha, yeah like that one time when you were hammered, you hid your cigarettes, passed out then woke up a half hour later and forgot where you hid the cigarettes.
Yeah shut up. i never found them until like, 3 days later. They were hiding beside my god damn bed, behind the hanging sheet. Im such a moron.
yeah, then we told you that you were macking on that chick and she didnt even want you to. what the hell were you thinking?
I still dont remember that, although i do remember the part BEFORE it happened. I noticed there was a spare spot inbetweem the two girls, the alcohol gave me the idea that i had pimp skills.
good work you "pimp". you gave them the idea that you're a fucking moron.

Boring Conversation PART 3 by shank
Yeah so, i get more action than you do, fucking hippy.
Well its btter than looking like a drunken moron. You're always drunk for first impressions.
i am not. i have only drank like 3 times in the past month, i've had PLENTY of sober and successful first impressions.
oh like the time you saw that chick checking you out and you went up to her and said "Hey baby, nice legs...what time do they open?"
i thought i seen a mirror in her pocket, because i could totally see myself in her pants.
oh god, shut the hell up with the pick up lines.

Boring Conversation PART 4 by shank
hey hey! get this, i got a great one i should try out:     "Im great at math: U + I = 69" LOLOLOL GET IT@!??!??
yeah uhhh, thats great...i'll pass on the 69 though.
my shirt has magicly changed
wierd....hey, i got a bet for you...
oh yeah? whats the bet?
I bet YOU $20 that if you give me $50, I'll give you $100 in return, Want to bet?

Boring Conversation PART 5 by shank
You asshole, no i dont want to bet, i'll be out $50. Nice one though!
yeah haha i know, i like using it on people with deformed brains...causes them to pass out.
Yeah well, i'd be your dad, but your mom didnt have change for a dollar.
how about i pull a better one out of my ass?
what, a dad or change for my dollar?
fuck you, im leaving...and stop changing your shirt half way through you asshole.

5-29-04 5:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

If they didn't contain so much redundant cursing and grossness they could actually be funny

6-03-04 1:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Redundant cursing? Yes, but thats because it was based more on real life situations and use of words than anything.

Grossness? You'll have to explain where this comes in.

6-03-04 1:31am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

i whole heartedly agree. You have more going for you then the same ole same ole gang related spew.
Then maybe you don't. Only time will tell.

theDROOLfool drooooooools

6-03-04 1:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Redundant cursing? Yes, but thats because it was based more on real life situations and use of words than anything.

Grossness? You'll have to explain where this comes in.

Real life? Wow. Im glad its not mine.
I guess talking about pulling something out of someones ass about every frame isnt so gross then.

6-04-04 12:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

So apparently pulling stuff out of my ass is gross.
yeah i know, if no one told me, i probably would have thought it as picking flowers, i dont about you?
I guess you could say, i talk shit.

6-04-04 1:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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