Its about a farm boy who moves to the big city and is amazed by everything around him. He's also a little afraid of electrical current and indoor plumbing. He feels ATM's are the devil and everyone in the city is lazy. But then he discovers RAVES and he lives happily ever after.
I'm going to expect to read this series when I get home tonight, SO GET GOING!!!!!
From crabby :: 06-03-04 04:42pm ( reply :: delete )
Crabby ordered me to make a series, but unfortunately I outrank him so I only made one strip. I think it's great that you're going to go through with this. Only good can come of this. Crabby is a never-ending supply of great ideas for series. If we could work out some way to convert absurd series ideas into electricity, America could end its dependence on foreign oil and begin its dependence on crabby. I think writing a series based on an idea from crabby should be a rite of passage for all prospective Stripcreator regulars. I am looking forward to the rest of this series.
--- The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!