Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Kimberly
FrixFrax F...R..I...
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[Click to view comic: 'Kimberly - Brand New'] [Click to view comic: 'Kimberly - Snow PART 1'] [Click to view comic: 'Kimberly - Snow PART 2'] [Click to view comic: 'Kimberly - Syrup']
Worth a try...
---Is it wrong to laugh?
JESUSSANDWICH is a wonderful person
---possible savior probable SEX MACHINE
newportlocal Journeyman Free Range Chicken Humper
it's kind of like this.....
[Click to view comic: 'Developing in the usual way']
---Jump said you would......
And that comic was a lot like this:
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Balls']
No seriously that was pretty damn funny.
biped Mr. Wonderful
Yeah, it was hot-to-go. You know, like those "hot-to-go" sandwiches at 7-Eleven. I'm trying to start a new catchphrase.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
Gabu Senior Comic Technician
That catchphrase is hot-to-go.
--- Blue is the color of victory.
Yay! It was funny. Wasn't meant to be. So maybe it was more like this:
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Enya']
Duke and his companion are good characters. I like the double-Dog-On-Ball effect.
NooniePuuBunny Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space
That series made me giggle. ^-^ I liked the ending very much.
---I will rate you hard, and unendingly.
Both dogs are called Duke.
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Bun']
Bye Bye Duke!
[ Posted comic does not exist ]
ftc Stripcreator's Big Boss
R.I.P Dukes.
Good Comics. :D
---Poo perhaps?
If you don't resurrect the Dukes, I'm going to go on a tri-state killing spree.
Just because I care about peoples lives, I have un-killed Duke and Duke.
But pretty soon you'll get sick of it, I'm sure.
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Treatment']
I never get sick of anything!
Derangon Pink Donkey Wrangler
Duke and duke are... magical. I love them... can I adopt them? I could be a groupie!!! ^-^
Sorry, The Dukes don't want to be adopted :(
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Trimming']
choadwarrior Crash Magnet
Funny, funny stuff.
babyblue Stripcreator Newbie
[Click to view comic: 'The exchange student']
More from the Dukes! hehehe [Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Dream']
go eat something....
[Click to view comic: 'Trash in the Box #3']
and let me share it with you. Those dogs cwakk me upp!
Is Duke becoming an astronomer or is he just wanting a closer look at Duke's rude parts? :P
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Telescope']
This is the last Duke Duke this month or maybe even for a while. I have my favourites, and I'm sure you do too. So feel free to read over your favouites, post em' if you like. So enjoy the last in the current series of "Duke Duke" :)
[Click to view comic: 'Duke Duke - Physic']
[Click to view comic: 'Developing 2']
[Click to view comic: 'Developing 3']
Thi is the continuing story of those two developing girls. I think both Duke and Duke would like to meet them!
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