So, yesterday, I finally got to see Fahrenheit 9/11, and, like everything else Michael Moore has done, it is by turns poignant, riotously funny, manipulative and honest, and pretty consistently very good.
That said, I want you guys to take the piss out of Moore. He is, after all, fighting for the rights of the common man and making piles of money doing it, while carefully keeping his old impoverished look so he can maintain the appearance of legitimacy.
So, give me movie posters, campaign slogans, fast food ads--anything that makes fun of Michael Moore. Judging will be the day after the general elections or next Monday, whichever comes first.
(incidentally, the nomenclature in the subject line comes from the old, now underused, "Phuxx0r" appellation that once graced this venerable competition)
- - fuck a cat, kill yourself - my alter ego has five stars