I would appreciate it if you could send me the addresses of everyone in my group so I can verify that the addresses I have are correct. And by verify, I don't mean "About a week ago, I was staying up for 24 hours when I decided to delete all the spam I had" because my judgment of spam versus useful mail remains perfect even into such late times. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that I have not tried to delete a crappy comic I saw and deemed "spam" while using random.php. This did not happen.
In fact, this did not happen tonight.
Besides, my ability to think "Hey, the address in this e-mail looks vaguely familiar... I think it might be mine! Maybe I shouldn't delete it because these people know where I live and will beat the shit out of me (or maybe just not send me CDs) if I don't save this." works great even when deprived by caffiene. This is obvious and undisputable, and anyone who thinks I deleted the addresses is totally fucking pwned.
So don't send me the addresses of the people whom I owe a CD.
Wait, do send them. But just to be ironic. I will like the irony, and will also use this time to verify the addresses. Irony and verify are my two favorite things in this world.