Well, on this wet, wretched day in Pennsylvania I decided to go on a mystical magical vision quest fueled by Bacardi Orange and Mother Nature. Yeah I know I shouldn't, but it's the closest thing I get to a vacation these days. Anyway, here are the pearls of wisdom with which I have returned:
1) A floor-stand lamp makes a lousy sparring partner.
2) Shrooms are a wonderful gift of nature that expand your capacity to care about a hundred-fold. Unfortunately, you'll probably just spend that hundred-fold wondering where your fucking cigarettes got to.
3) Stripcreator.com is a shitty place to come down off a buzz, unless your idea of a mood enhancer is a picture of Dick Cheney's head pasted on to a giant cat.
Oh, and regarding item 3, thanks for making my life complete.
You really are a bunch of fucking A-holes.
I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.