True. Very, very true. But also, this behavior doesn't necessarily indicate a flaming homo, either. Jesse Ventura certainly isn't homosexual.
Well, I guess this is simply my fault for the choice of words I used. Forgive me for making it seem like I consider all gay behavior to be flaming. I don't. I probably meant to say HOT!
Good point, and as I said, I have yet to judge him as an individual. All of what he said may very well turn out to be an intensely calculated statement, designed specifically to divert attention from his misconduct. Time will tell, possibly.
Yes, I have explained that this very well may be the case, and most likely IS the case. I still don't think that the majority of society is ready for gay politicians, and I think that McGreevey coming out as a gay man is still a really touchy thing to do, even if it is just a political move. You don't think it's a ballsy thing to do, ESPECIALLY if it's just damage control? I'm not saying he's a great guy or even a decent one. I am saying that he's got fucking huge cojones. He might be demeaning the entire idea of coming out, which is also quite likely, but you've got to have balls or psychosis to do it the way he did it.
No way, dude. I think it's an indiscretion no matter what the context. Gay, straight, it's fucked up either way. Cheating fucking sucks, for every party involved, unless you're a heartless fuck. He is a cheater. In probably quite a few different ways, I am sure. But he's a ballsy one. Maybe the scum of the earth, maybe just a schmuck. Who knows.
This is why it's quite possibly detrimental to a whole shitload of people. I mean, he comes out in the midst of all this scandal and resigns, isn't that just adding fuel to the already hateful rhetoric of some of the opposition?
Great point. That's what I was trying to get at in the previous paragraph. I don't like the fact that he is embroiled in scandal and all of a sudden he is gay, but I think the man has got balls the size of Texas, and you can take that whetever way you want.
I think, though, that because of the way he did this, and did not come out beforehand, etc., that it will probably hurt gay politicians and their causes. I think this simply because historically the politicians you find out are gay "later" on, only do so because of scandal. I think that this method of revelation is causing all gay politicians to be painted with the same brush. It's reminiscent of all the old pulp novels and currents of thought that ran through a lot of old literature and movies. The gay character in older novels was always the villain. You'll still find a lot of this in current movies and literature.
I would like to hear the rest of your thoughts on this.
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.