Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » My independent comic strip
trevdogg101 Junior Comic Technician
Member Rated:
Yessiree, soon i will be selling these marvels for profit. Visit my site to see whats there! This is only the first page, and it doesnt make much sense so far. I will upload other pages in the very near future.
---And that is that
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
You're selling these? First, learn to draw. Then learn to be funny.
undaunted by boinky's negative spirit, Trev links to 3 more pages of Bob.
Any feedback, good or bad, is immediately appreciated.
efairy Stripcreator Newbie
I'm at a loss.
NooniePuuBunny Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space
These probably should go in Photoshop Valley.
---I will rate you hard, and unendingly.
Kr0n1c Product of The California School System
Im scared and confused
--- Get Your War On
Derangon Pink Donkey Wrangler
Why did he plant a penis tree? With a flag in it?
biped Mr. Wonderful
I find these comics hypnotically fascinating.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
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