Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » w3d dude w3d
the_prince Stripcreator Newbie
my first comik w00t w00t l00k at it y0 too lazy? heres the dang link [Click to view comic: 'Drugs'] lazy h0b0s
biped Mr. Wonderful
Member Rated:
And now, just for fun, see if you're capable of making a comic that doesn't totally suck.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
dcomposed C3H5N3O9
Then maybe you could try making a post that doens't completely suck.
---Batman created by Bob Kane
And then maybe you could try sucking a suck that doesn't totally suckity suck suck.
Weren't you on IRC, the_prince? Maybe you could make a connection that doesn't totally... ahhh, fuck it.
xxausrottenxx Sock of the walk
were you gonna say suck? cuz if you were you owe me a blumpkin
---xx( o Y o. )xx
Digger A winner is you! Very thanks for read.
No no Prince, you've got it all wrong. The Formula! The Formula!
---- 4 Reel
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