That's more what I figured most people were saying, but just didn't feel like saying "I hate what's happened to America", rather than simply generalizing and saying they hate America itself.
Granted, democracy and capitalism appear to be failing, but this, as I see it, isn't completely true. Too many people are taking advantage of what can be a very good system. Unlike communism, which would require everyone to think essentially the same, and a true theocracy/monarchy which pretty much shits on everyone but those in power, democracy has the possibility of being a good, useful system with the various personalities within it. The system didn't break, the people did.
With increasingly useless interest groups, constant bickering and fighting amongst the people, and an ever-growing rate of population (not helped by illegal immigration), this system, just like any other, is becoming overloaded. There is only a certain number of people who can be governed by a single government, it seems, and the leaders who inherited once revered and loved positions now take advantage of this disarray, thus causing heavy damage to the social and economic welfare of our country.
Our leaders have failed us, increasingly so every term, and I'm afraid it's not going to change anytime soon. I admit, I'm beginning to lose hope that this country can ever turn around and start working properly without something major happening. I feel it coming, too. A revolution, a civil war, an apocolyptic battle with another country, or simply a political coup, but I don't see any one man getting into the office of president, and suddenly things becoming "right". I can't see a hundred men getting into the office of president, and gradually becoming "right". This country is screaming for change, but I don't know if it's even ready for that change. If there is some sort of action that completely decimates this country's overcrowded populace, it could go any number of ways. Perhaps it will throw the country into chaos, spawning a "Mad Max" type of country. Maybe it will strengthen those who survive, and bring us together, finally reforming the union we've lost. Possibly nothing dramatic will happen after this climax, the country could stagnate as it has for years already. Whatever happens, it will be a change, if not a huge one.
In short, we need change. We have become too top-heavy, and we will collapse. The world will celebrate it's freedom from the overbearing US, but I fear changes will not be contained within our borders. I just pray that when the day comes, we will all see a bright future, rather than a more dismal one than we see now.
That being said, I love my country. I was born and raised here. I respect the rights we have been given, and pray for a day when they are truly equal. Maybe our salvation lies not in disaster, but in a change of nature, but that's a long way off. If we could see people having only one child, respecting eachother and themselves, judging their leaders on merits, rather than on party, and generally being nice, our country would be utopia.
But we can start this by being nice ourselves.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.