Not to be mean or anything but, your comics might be good if you make them "funny", (Look it up in a dicionary.) and that's something ALL of you shoud know.
What?! Did you even read my comics?! Oh, you just havn't played a video game in your life! (Well, maybe "pong". Blip!) My comics are made for gamers like me and if you dont like it then so be it!
What?! Did you even read my comics?! Oh, you just havn't played a video game in your life! (Well, maybe "pong". Blip!) My comics are made for gamers like me and if you dont like it then so be it!
[startsarcasm] wow those were hilarious! i love your comics! [endsarcasm]
Whatever. I've had it with this site. Don't repey, I won't read it.
PS: If you fell like killing me then go ahead, I'll be in a better place, a place where comics are funny!
From somacruz :: 09-12-04 10:59am ( reply :: delete