In the four times in my life that I've been unemployed (twice due to lay-offs), I've never had anywhere near as much trouble finding a decent job as I'm having now. However, I finally got an interview today. Going in, I didn't know much about the company except that they make medical devices of some kind, and that they're actually bucking the trend of lay-offs, downsizing, and increasingly shitty benefits in the U.S.
In fact, thier recent growth has been amazing. How are they doing it? Well, it turns out they manufacture drug-testing kits; you know -- the whizz quiz. Apparently, the only growth industry around here is the one that thrives on paranoia, suspicion, and the humiliation of employees and job-seekers. I found this to be pretty emblematic of how low the U.S. is sinking under the leadership of blindly ideological, fatcat corporate dynasts and scumbag lawyers from both major parties.
Anyway, the job itself is just mindless widget making. The take-home lesson, kids, is stay out of colleges and trade schools. They won't do you any good. Chances are high that your skills will be irrelevent before you even graduate.
For my own part, I've decided to summon all the world's evil and create an army of the damned. Only in this can my seething hatred find release.
I probably shouldn't let that slip out during my next job interview though.
I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.