Nothing personal, but if you don't know how to spell a word, please look it up instead of just spelling it phonetically. Misspelling so many commonly-used words in such a doofusey manner gets extremely irritating after awhile.
--- Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
Man, possom. You and me are gonna have to show these newbeans how to do it, possom. I tell ya, possom, you're the possomyest possom I've ever seen possom about in here.
--- The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.
It's funny cause you spelled "two" as "to" and so it looks like you're trying to say "too, morons" but you're not and that makes you look like a fucking idiot.
And wolfspeed, you don't call people idiots and then ask them how to make an image. But if you honestly MUST know, then go here.