Getting Better
Member Rated:
The sun rises on the morning after the Great JDPLVY StripCreator massacre... A voice echoes urgently, but quietly through the streets of Pleasant Valley, NY, followed by another more feminine voice...
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| Dave. JDPLVY! Wake up, Dave. It's 6AM. Time to get up. There are message boards to be wrecked... Dave.... Oh, crap. Stupid intercom. | |
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| Paging Satan. Call for Satan on the Hot-Line. Answer right away. | |
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| CRIPES! Who could be calling this time of morning. Fricking tele- marketers! How did they get this number? It's unlisted! HELLO? Speak UP. This connection is really HELLISH! | |
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| Hello? Lucifer? This is God. I'm calling from the cell phone. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? | |
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| Oh. God. Right. Um... Dude! You haven't called in a really long time. Wazzup, big guy? What can I do for you? Need somebody tested? That JOB fella was sure a hard case wasn't he? | |
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| Actually, I'm calling about JDPLVY! | |
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A discussion between Good and Evil is taking place on the hotline between Heaven and Hell.
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| I want you to lay off JDPLVY for a while. You've been getting inside his head, causing him to be angry all the time and generally frigging with his life... | |
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| But Big Guy, that's what you pay me to do. My whole job in infinity is to keep JDPLVY trolling and also to keep Boorite from EVER getting laid.. | |
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| Well, diggit. You're interfering with free will. You got Dave kicked off Strip Creator and all his comics erased. You caused HUNDREDS of people to be pissed off at him from ever corner of comixland. | |
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| It wasn't me. I swear I was in OHIO stuffing boxes with Bush ballots. Bush and Satan in 04, I've said all along... | |
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| Cut the comedy, Beelzebub. That whole JDPLVY affair had your fingerprints all over it. You've been using your Chaotic powers to disrupt Strip Creator. That simply will not do. Do I make myself clear? | |
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| Ok. Sure. You're Creator and Master of the Universe. Can I still keep Boorite from getting laid? I mean, technically, that's a GOOD deed. Should get me points on karma... | |
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| I hope that didn't count against peak minutes. Great Long Distance plan, but bogus on the time... OK now, Mr. PLVY is there anything else I can do for you? | |
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| Umm... yeah. I always wondered what you really look like. And can you get me unbanned from DJ Massala's Message Board and Boards to go? And could you SMITE BobRogers for me? | |
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| OK. (1) This is what I really look like. And (2) No way, Jose' even GOD doesn't carry enough weight to get you unbanned from those places and (3) I really don't ordinarily SMITE on request, but ... | |
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At the Rogers Estate in California
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| Why am I a snowman? I was just sitting watching Star Trek and I suddenly felt... smitten. Somehow JDPLVY is behind all this! DAMN YOU JD! I'll get you and you little dog... | |
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These stories are fact based. Only the names are changed. there are no innocents.
--- "I intend to live forever -- so far, so good."