Too orangey for crows
Member Rated:
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| Say handsome, that's some slick lookin dreads you got there. | |
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| You know I've been bald from 4th grade, and I know that round about this time of night you take a shit out the window through a colander. | |
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| I do indeed, so what's your point? | |
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| Are you going to take responsibility for the shit on my head this time. | |
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| Not without proper D.N.A testing no. | |
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| I'm never eating spaghetti at your house again. | |
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| Good afternoon Mr.Boss. It's good to have you back, did you enjoy your honeymoon? | |
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| I've had better. Say, what's with the icy temp in here? | |
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| But the heating is on full blast sir, I'm sweating like Kobe over here. | |
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| And you are also very stupid. I am talking about that fridgid secretary. When I asked her where my usual blond good-looking secretary was she called me a sexist pig. What's up with that cold bitch? | |
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| Try to tone down the man-hating a little, it's freaking me out. You should take notes from my other secretary, she's a team player. | |
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| It's not in my job description to answer the phone 'tits-out'. | |
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| Hey Davey Bane, What's up with your expanding waistline? | |
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| It's all the protein I have been taking. I am in training. | |
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| What are you training for this time? | |
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| I'm going to enclose myself in a cramped box for forty days and nights. My only sustenance will be liquid, fed to me through a tube. | |
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| You're going to stay in the toilets at the railway station giving blow-jobs to complete strangers again, aren't you? | |
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| Be amazed as my self-respect, vanishes into thin air. | |
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| So Andy, have you got any resolutions for next year? | |
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| I'm going cold-turkey on the wife-beating. | |
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| So all those times that Flo fell down the stairs or walked into a door..... | |
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| I could never bring myself to lay a hand on my own wife. | |
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| How about I do it for ya? You can do mine, that way we both win. | |
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| Did you express any emotion after your grandparents died in the accident? | |
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| I started to go off the rails when they died. I stole money and jewellery from my parents. | |
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| So, although your parents were also grieving, you thought it would be a good time to start stealing from them? | |
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| Well, I suppose there is never really a good time to steal from your own folks. | |
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| To tell the truth the best time is just after they have hired a new maid. | |
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| Should you be saying that? | |
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GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.