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Too orangey for crows

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I've not stripped much lately but I have edited some old ones and even changed entirelast-panels. Here are some new strips and old-new strips.

Love in the Time of Call-Centres. by smamurai
....and if you have any questions please call me back on Klondyke 555-555, thanks.
She wanted me.
What did she say?
'Hi, leave a message and I will call you back'. It was the WAY she said it though.
Oh my God, she practically raped you!

Love in the Time of Call-Centres (2) by smamurai
I've got Rob from sales here. He wants you to text him your photo.
What? No way, I don't even know him.
He says you have a sexy voice.
I've only called him like twice, he never said anything to me.
What should I tell him?
Ok, tits but no fanny, Last time I tried that I dropped my phone in the toilet.

We sell EVERYTHING! by smamurai
Hang on I'll check. I think we have one left.
Today my friend called and told me he tried pot once at college. I hung up the phone in case his stories got me high.
I will help clean your baby but I will not touch the genitals. My friend is also available to help but he must be in bed for 7pm sharp.
Can you go back in there and tell the lady I asked for 'muslin squares' please.

The Da Vinci Code by smamurai
hitsty lolobcsk ?

Teh Precinct : The Law Works in Mysterious Ways. by smamurai
Ok now this punk lives on the 57th floor right. Get me my shotgun out the trunk and then wait here. No-one in my city dodges 3 parking tickets and lives to tell the tale. I hate that scum!
Lieutenent, we can't just kill this guy. We have to arrest him, but first we need to get a warrant. What you're talking about is murder.
We decorate the inside of the elevator so it looks like an apartment, when the perp comes in I pull out my shotgun and shoot him for breaking and entering.Theres not a court in the land can touch me.
But why do I have to wait down here?
Theres a furniture truck due to arrive soon. I need you to carry the stuff in and arrange it so it looks like a room. Do a some light hoovering but don't go mad, the carpet doesn't have to be perfect.
I'll wake you when I'm done.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

11-13-04 8:06am (new)
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Too orangey for crows

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The Funky 'Fro Fiasco by smamurai
Say handsome, that's some slick lookin dreads you got there.
You know I've been bald from 4th grade, and I know that round about this time of night you take a shit out the window through a colander.
I do indeed, so what's your point?
Are you going to take responsibility for the shit on my head this time.
Not without proper D.N.A testing no.
I'm never eating spaghetti at your house again.

The names Boss, James Boss. by smamurai
Good afternoon Mr.Boss. It's good to have you back, did you enjoy your honeymoon?
I've had better. Say, what's with the icy temp in here?
But the heating is on full blast sir, I'm sweating like Kobe over here.
And you are also very stupid. I am talking about that fridgid secretary. When I asked her where my usual blond good-looking secretary was she called me a sexist pig. What's up with that cold bitch?
Try to tone down the man-hating a little, it's freaking me out. You should take notes from my other secretary, she's a team player.
It's not in my job description to answer the phone 'tits-out'.

Davey Bane : He love the free blow. by smamurai
Hey Davey Bane, What's up with your expanding waistline?
It's all the protein I have been taking. I am in training.
What are you training for this time?
I'm going to enclose myself in a cramped box for forty days and nights. My only sustenance will be liquid, fed to me through a tube.
You're going to stay in the toilets at the railway station giving blow-jobs to complete strangers again, aren't you?
Be amazed as my self-respect, vanishes into thin air.

Punch Sucker Proxy. by smamurai
So Andy, have you got any resolutions for next year?
I'm going cold-turkey on the wife-beating.
So all those times that Flo fell down the stairs or walked into a door.....
Yep, that was me.
I could never bring myself to lay a hand on my own wife.
How about I do it for ya? You can do mine, that way we both win.

Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist by smamurai
Did you express any emotion after your grandparents died in the accident?
I started to go off the rails when they died. I stole money and jewellery from my parents.
So, although your parents were also grieving, you thought it would be a good time to start stealing from them?
Well, I suppose there is never really a good time to steal from your own folks.
To tell the truth the best time is just after they have hired a new maid.
Should you be saying that?

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

11-13-04 8:14am (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

That was a cavalcade of awesomeness.

11-13-04 10:31am (new)
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Too orangey for crows

Member Rated:

Slip 'n Slide the Eye of Your Behind by smamurai
It burns! It bites! It freeeezes!
What's wrong dear?
Anal sex is what's wrong! Check out my ass. Red means danger right?
You need to use some K-Y jelly next time.
I do?
It's good for what rails ya.

Doc Racist M.D by smamurai
I am afraid your son is infected with Welsh.
Welsh? But he is Welsh doctor.
That's what I said.
Is it serious?
Seriously shit.

The Harasser. by smamurai
I thought we fired you last week. We need a tax assessor not a motivational harasser.
I'm not going anywhere. Do you want to be spat at before or after lunch today?
I'll call the police.
Come now, you don't want anything to happen that blond haired little girl of yours would you?
Okay, okay what do you want? Money?
No, I want you to be more pro-active, you cunt.

Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist Session2 by smamurai
Doc, until I become a bona-fide sex addict the press won't take me seriously.
Ok take a look at these Rorschach tests. Tell me what animals you see.
A clam. A beaver. A pussy. Um, dog? Is that one a dog?
C'mon man, think outside her box.
Um, black labiarador?
We're done here. Take a couple of hookers and call me in the morning.

Baby Got Back To Tha Fissure. by smamurai
Doc you're Alive?
Am I Marty? Am I?
I have brought you a fossilised human fetus from the year 3020.
Great Scott! Do you realise that could create a tear in the 'space-time continuum'?
That's code for it might hurt my colon right?
Shake your ass over here and let's find out.

[Click to view comic: 'Nappy Reruns.']

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

11-15-04 6:04am (new)
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