Tundra Butler
Member Rated:

After a little over a year of playing with StripCreator, it occured to me that I've never posted a single comic in the RMDC forums. Aside from a few competition comics, I don't post them. So, this is why I say it's an "introduction", because I have never really exposed my comics to others, they've just sort of been there with people reading them as they come across them and occasionally saying nice things about them, for which I am thankful.
When I started using Stripcreator I, like many others, had the bright idea that I wanted to do a continuous series with the same characters and setting, but I quickly abandoned it. I like my early comics, but for some reason I just couldn't keep doing it, so I guess I have a respect for any comic author (whether on this amateur level or on a professional level) who manages to keep writing a routine comic, doing it well, and not going insane. I have an unusual sense of humor in that sometimes I like conventional comics and other times I like to make crude "anti-humor" style comics that are just random, silly, and intentionally stupid. I've also toyed with some series which are pretty much ongoing things, although a few I haven't touched in awhile.
Enough of my's a few of my recent ones I enjoyed making.
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| Oh...the dark of my soul is truly darker today than it was yesterday. My love for you is as tainted as an unpreserved cheese. | |
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| My blood flows verily onto the ground from where you dark soul doth wound me, and your lips....wait a sec... | |
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| Did you just say your love was "as tainted as an unpreserved cheese?" | |
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| Yeah, enough with the verily. Umm..where did you come up with that line? | |
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| I thought it worked for the moment. I mean, not everything out of my mouth is fuckin' ANDREW ELDRITCH, OK? | |
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| But "unpreserved cheese?" I're not even trying. It's as if you don't really have a brooding, intense, dark lust for me. | |
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| I do have all of that stuff! It's just hard to constantly make it sound like it's a horrible, nasty, pus-filled thing. | |
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| Look, my love for you is perfectly dark and morbid and inspired by the souls of the recently departed and their rotting flesh. Your love sounds like it was inspired by....LUNCH or something! | |
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| Fucking hell, do I HAVE to open a friggin' VEIN here?? I'll bleed onto this cold, hard, empty ground if it will bring thee verily back into my arms... | |
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| Look, how much clearer can I be? My love for you is like a dark vaccuum of a thousands screams echoing from the inside of a tomb! | |
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| If only I could believe that... My love cannot be given so easily, for it is infested with maggots and pines for the black storms to come, whilst.. | |
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| Alright, wait, wait... Can't we just drop this? Do we really have to keep talking like this? Look, I like you a lot, so let's go watch "Touched By An Angel" together and have some popcorn... | |
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| Oh my god! Do mean that one episode with the adopted child? It was SOOO sad! But then it got happy at the end! Yeah, let's go now! It comes on in, like, 15 minutes! | |
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| Ok...lemme stop home real quick to get that new Lindsay Lohan'll love it!! It totally rocks! | |
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