Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » My Attempt with IN Jokes
flipynif1 Aparently a Creep
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Yeah i know i suck...i created these two with a slight (very slight) variation.
---I dumb :D
I was actually looking for an opinion from someone who knows the injokes..i know the read my comics n00b forums sucks but criticism is good
dayne Junior Comic Technician
If I hear the word Noob again I will crack. It didn't really make me laugh.
I don't think the injokes are supposed to be funny, regarding n00b....would you prefer spanky?
ftc Stripcreator's Big Boss
If an in-joke is embedded well into a comic, then it is indeed funny. These however ...
---Poo perhaps?
Well i've been around for about a month anyhow, you cannot learn untill you try, correct
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