These people are really cruel sometimes? I invite them to be, Cruelness is usually best, as the fear of complete forum humiliation seems to make you antsy to never make a bad comic. However... That doesn't work on me, cause I really don't tend to take criticism seriously either way, however my ears are always open for any sort of critique.
As for the comic, I agree. It could be much funnier, if it was simply redone. Add a harder punchline, and how about some sharpened dialogue, let the snowman say more to infuriate the Masked Guy (Who stangely looks like a Pewter Jason Statue). Just not too much, as too much dialouge causes most people to be bored to the point of not wanting to read the rest. Which is really a shame (Glares at a few select people). ;o
"I don't believe the president of the US has a say in the war; I don't think the US Citizens do either, the soldiers get the word, they go through hell to write it.