Here's some helpful critique, flipy: nobody here owes you anything. Quit complaining about the quality of the feedback that you get for free.
Shadow, I think you need to put a little more thought and time into your comics. In the first one, "priest" is spelled wrong, and the last panel has no background -- why?
All of the narration in your comics is unnecessary. The comics would be just as intelligible without it, so it's really just a distraction. Likewise, don't feel like you have to use all of the available spaces for dialog/thought bubbles. If there's no reason for a character to be saying something, then leave him silent -- excess dialog is, again, distracting.
Finally, give us something concrete to laugh about, don't just throw a bunch of random things together and call it humor. In "The problem with norms!" -- what's the joke? Is Deuce's fly not really undone? Does he not have a fly? Is Pants referring to the fact that Deuce's open mouth looks like an undone zipper? We never find out. Pants obviously thinks something is funny, but we can't laugh with him because we don't know what's going on.
Good luck with your strips.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!