Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Iraq beheading
suicide_king There's no I in team - - but there's T & A.
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[Click to view comic: 'Choppin' heads']
Inflatable_Man Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.
Made it okay to laugh about beheadings again...
---Destroying my reputation one post at a time.
xxausrottenxx Sock of the walk
when wasnt it?
rad comic, by the way
---xx( o Y o. )xx
andydougan Film critic subordinaire
I once made a comic about the beheadings called "Tête offensive". I thought that was quite clever. Unfortunately, the comic itself was shit. Yours is better.
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Hari_Nezumi Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch
The first one rocked, but the in the second one I think you took the joke too far and it wasn't all that funny either.
---More lust than you can shake a stick at.
len Stabbity stab stab
I'm with this guy!!!
I liked the dig on war widows and beheaded US servicemen, but I dunno, the fish in a tie just made you look like an asshole.
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