Alright, a little explanation- the Walt Disney one was made for a friend of mine, following a conversation I had. He thought it was funny... "Vegetable" is really only funny if you read it the right way, imagine the correct reactions from the characters, and happen to be the one guy I know that finds it amusing. He's an idiot, and yes, it's a dud. "Body of Christ" is the result of my getting carried away making comics and forgetting to check to see if they are really funny before submitting. It has since been deleted. I like "Telephone". I don't know why. "Soylent Vic" and "Dead Clown" are essentially the same comic, and since they're just things I threw together in paint, they're of little consequence. I just have a thing about Vic's severed head, it's an old injoke that I share with a friend (it has the same meaning to us as Abe Vigoda does here...).
Thankyou everyone for the feedback though!
As for the "Iron Chef" comp, it's a cool idea- pitting a newbie against their choice of veteran for the week, but I can see if falling apart pretty quickly when the vets lose interest...
Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.