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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » After awful comics since 2001, ive finally made...




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Excuse the elipses in the title. Damn character limit. Its meant to say 'After awful comics since 2001, i've finally made one that i think is funny'.

Sort of like iron. by lima
I'm allergic to Irony. When irony strikes, the muscles in my legs go limp.
Wow. Thats kinda weird seeing as you also have a phobia of wheelchairs

hey its simple, but i like it. Feel free to check out the few below it, but anything thats dated before 2005 is invariably awful, or an in-joke with someone else on the site.

5-28-05 6:09am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

After debating for five whole half seconds about whether to rate that "good" or just "okay," I finally went with "good." But just by a hair.

The actual makeup of the comic is pristine, though. Good set-up.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

5-28-05 9:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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Five whole half seconds??? not_Scyess, don't hurt yourself now.

I agree though, the set up's good...but the punchline OK...I'd go with good too if I was a donor.

More lust than you can shake a stick at.

5-28-05 9:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


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Thanks very much guys, although at about half past nine today, whilst i was at work, i kind of realised that i'd sacrificed half the explanation of the joke in the name of brevity. Still, should get my donation verified soon so i can change owt.

5-28-05 4:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

You've got a lot of good comics. Par example:

The ballad of every three seconds in York by lima
Jeff. Just walking down the street minding his own business when...
'scuse me mate but..
let me stop you there... I dont know what time it is, i don't smoke, i cant pay your busfare for you, i don't wanna buy weed and i dont have any on me, and i don't know the way to anywhere
...your laces are undone...
oh... i'll tie them up later
...and have you got any spare change?

Like it, my son, like it.

5-28-05 5:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Poison Gas Pokemon

Member Rated:

Sort of Like Iron was clever. Not laugh-out-loudish, but still interesting. Good show.

It's grime time.

5-29-05 9:23am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

yeah i went through and rated all your comics. about 80% were good.

Batman created by Bob Kane

5-31-05 10:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

80% of my comics are good? Jesus christ dude, most of the early ones were crap in-jokes, and two of them involved Zero Wing. ZERO FUCKING WING dude! You're a maniac, but thanks anyway :D

Anyhoo, i've made a sequel to 'Sort of like Irony'(a proper sequel, not counting the similarly formatted 'Its our chasm now' which is the same joke but the comic is about sarcasm). The sequel is imaginitavely titled 'Sort of like irony II'.

You'll have to read the first one to 'get' it. Thats not to be interpreted as 'itll only be funny if you read the first one first' as its hardly hilarious, but i liked it when i thought of it...

Sort of like iron. by lima
I'm allergic to Irony. When irony strikes, the muscles in my legs go limp.
Wow. Thats kinda weird seeing as you also have a phobia of wheelchairs

Sort of like iron II: by lima
Careful Bob, Irony is a foot...
Thats only ironic if i fall over isnt it?
is it?
ah yes, so it is

6-01-05 9:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Aaaand another sequel to the 'Sort of like Iron' series.

Sort of like iron IV by lima
Hey Irony Kid, I'm in a traffic jam, and i'm already late!
Nope. Not ironic in the slightest. If however, you were a city planner...
..and the traffic jam was making you late for a meeting with the mayor to tell him about how you had solved the traffic problems in the city...
Ah yes, that would be ironic.... hello?

You may be wondering where episode III went. Well i've decided to disown it. Partly because i don't like the number three, but mainly because it was about as funny as Bobby Davro doing a goatse impression.

7-12-05 1:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

What the bleep do we know?

Member Rated:

Aaaand another sequel to the 'Sort of like Iron' series.

Sort of like iron IV by lima
Hey Irony Kid, I'm in a traffic jam, and i'm already late!
Nope. Not ironic in the slightest. If however, you were a city planner...
..and the traffic jam was making you late for a meeting with the mayor to tell him about how you had solved the traffic problems in the city...
Ah yes, that would be ironic.... hello?

You may be wondering where episode III went. Well i've decided to disown it. Partly because i don't like the number three, but mainly because it was about as funny as Bobby Davro doing a goatse impression.

thats been done before

7-12-05 1:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

I like the series but unfortunatly when i like something i get seizures asdpf pjspjgdxfpbcxvp joipj xicopjio xcvicvjihjhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

I dumb :D

7-12-05 1:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

How do you know my language?

Member Rated:

Aaaand another sequel to the 'Sort of like Iron' series.

Sort of like iron IV by lima
Hey Irony Kid, I'm in a traffic jam, and i'm already late!
Nope. Not ironic in the slightest. If however, you were a city planner...
..and the traffic jam was making you late for a meeting with the mayor to tell him about how you had solved the traffic problems in the city...
Ah yes, that would be ironic.... hello?

I like your comedy but I like Ed Byrne's a hell of a lot more, and so I demand that you acknowledge the fact that he came up with that joke first, or risk incurring my feeble wrath.

I love Family Guy more than I love taffy, and I'm a man who enjoys his taffy.

7-13-05 12:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Ed Byrne lost the right to keep his intellectual property when he cut off his hair, started acting and stopped being funny.

No, seriously, i knew i'd heard the joke somewhere but i assumed it was from an old friend. Muhbad dude

7-13-05 8:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

...and to make up for it, i've made two more for the series, using 'jokes' solely based on ideas/observations i had/made today.

Sort of like iron V by lima
Hey whats up?
I'm just pissed off. Kevin kept laughing at me at lunch.
Cos i got frustrated about not knowing the word 'Schadenfreud'. He just laughed more as i got more upset...
Does this mean you know what it means?

Sort of like iron VI by lima
Blah blah blah buy Hovis Bread blah blah blah made in yorkshire by local people blah blah blah
Hey, that advert has Dvorak's 'Largo' as background music. Didn't he write that to portray the sheer immense grandiocity of America?
...and now, the 'New World Symphony' is being used to portray simple yorkshire life. In order to sell brown bread.
Thats not ironic, thats just fucking stupid.


I'm thinking that, without a significant development of character background, that this series just won't work in three panels. Its too hard to introduce a characteristic of someone, find an ironic situation that a person of that characteristic could be in, and then have Irony Kid fall over, in three panels. Its possible to do, but its fucking hard to make it funny.


(hey, thats funny, i'm holding a gun at a kitten's head, and i used to clean handguns with cat-fur. I used to hold kittens against the gun, and now im holding the gun against the kitten...)


INT: Background 3


shot of IRONY KID's legs in the air.


See how fucking hard it is?

Of course it'd help if i had a good grasp of irony. I've never quite understood it, yet my most succesful comic is based on it and uses it - and it alone - to generate laughter.


7-14-05 7:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » After awful comics since 2001, ive finally made...

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