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Broly Stripcreator Newbie
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Or don't, whatever. Broly's Boulevard
andydougan Film critic subordinaire
You've got some quite good ones, such as this:
I also like the one that ends with the kid saying "Fo'sho'", but only because it ends with a kid saying "Fo'sho'". It's crap otherwise.
Drexle Your Cure for Lameness
After reading from the very beginning, I finally found one that made me chuckle.
Appreciate the insight. It is, after all, my first comic. So it's going to be rusty. I'm still experimenting.
I like the way your strips sort of build on one another, too. Makes a change from the usual random nonsense people like me have in their archives.
Kevin_Keegans_Perm Bean There, Done That
Ill give you a 70-72% hit rate Andy
Andy ill worship the ground you walk on for this one , yet i have no idea why i find this funny.
---"Life Sucks, Then you Die. The bit inbetween isnt very funny either"
quote:Ill give you a 70-72% hit rate Andy
Nor have I. But thanks for deeming 70% of my strips funny.
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