Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » so, off to a mediocre start?
l337_mu5kr47 Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
I certainly hope so. [Click to view comic: '7074! Pw|\|493']there's the ownage series, [Click to view comic: 'DisturbingAlienSagaEpisode4(ReallyFirstLikeStarWarsButGood)']the disturbing alien saga, [Click to view comic: '!1/\/\8!355']and the other stuff. Thanks for replying. Unless you don't in which case I have just begun on a hunt for your sole. Have fun while you can. xoxoxoxo l337 "sole finder and killer" mu5kr47
areallystupidguy Poison Gas Pokemon
Your comics are incredibly gay in an old english, before-the-term-was-used-to-describe-those-kind-folks-of-the-homosexual-persuasion kinda way. More please.
---It's grime time.
biped Mr. Wonderful
I enjoyed these comics. I thought having Lizardsuit saying "PWN3D!!" in a restaurant was an amusing punchline. I also liked what the squirrel said.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
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