Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zombies on Mountain Hill
Psychologist Stripcreator Newbie
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Few of you remember me of that guy who tried to mix Psychology and Humor together.
Well I'm back with a HUGE Project involving actual Zombies and Humor...MIXED!
So heres the current strips of Zombies On Mountain Hill
Yes. I know there was annoying grammer mistakes but I was in a rush because I had to get offline. I'm sorry.
---[u]Dike[/u]phobia is the Fear of Justice. Who names this stuff?
Heres more of the series.
Yes. Two whole strippers in the series. Who will be next? Scyess? Kaufman? Chair_Comics? Who knows....
To be continued...
Screendummie Stripcreator Regular
Four out of ten comics with zombies. I'm very disappointed in you, bud.
--S. Dummie
--- Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe
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