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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zombies on Mountain Hill



Stripcreator Newbie

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Few of you remember me of that guy who tried to mix Psychology and Humor together.

Well I'm back with a HUGE Project involving actual Zombies and Humor...MIXED!

So heres the current strips of Zombies On Mountain Hill

Zombies on Mountain Hill by Psychologist
This is the horrific True story of what happened on September 17th of 2002 in the small town of Mountain Hill.
This comics will tarce the horror of the events that occured. Based on the story of the remaing survivor...
Whats up with the skeleton?

ZOMT:Zombie Cola by Psychologist
September 17th: At a really sceintific laboratary
Dr.Jackson, I heard you invented a Soda that turns everyone into flesh-eating terrorists from Hell!
Well, Josh with it,too.
We must pray that doesn't get in the wrong hands.

ZOMH:Jackie Chan is needed here by Psychologist
Meanwhile in Jay's Hiz House.
Theres been a outbreak of Zombies in Mountain Hill! Get out as soon as you can!!!
Sara, We must get out of here!! Theres no time to pack! We must leave now!
But my movies on and I am Not missing it again.
Who the hell watches Rush Hour??

ZOMH: Rush Hour 2 can't beat Zombies by Psychologist
Outside Jay's house
I forgot where I left my car keys
Brains...You left them in the car,Frank...Brains
Do you understand the words that are coming outta my mouth??

ZOMH: Run,Jay,Run. by Psychologist
AHHHHH! I gotta get out of here!
So Jay ran out forgeting that his wife was still inside watching Rush Hour.
Shhh...This is the good part.
I will gobble on your Brains
Listen Buddy, my purse is on the counter now go and let me watch Jackie Chan kick some bootey.

Yes. I know there was annoying grammer mistakes but I was in a rush because I had to get offline.
I'm sorry.


[u]Dike[/u]phobia is the Fear of Justice. Who names this stuff?

6-11-05 8:01am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Heres more of the series.
ZOMH: R.I.P Sara by Psychologist
I left Sara in the House. I hope shes all right.
Hi,Honey. I'm fine. I'm hungry. Can we stop for BRAINS?
Oh S***, F***, and Son-of-a-B***!

ZOMH: Jay the "So-Called" Hero by Psychologist
So off Jay ran to find a way to stop the great spread of Zombies!
No I'm getting the Hell outta here!
No, Jay. You're the hero so act like one!
F*** you! They're God**** Zombies!
Jay! Go and destroy those F***ing Zombies, Right Now!
FINE! But, There better be a sex scene in this movie.

ZOMH: D to the exx by Psychologist
*pant* I ran too fast. I don't know how I got here.
But don't expect to leave alive. Knowing the Goverment's secret.
Did you make the out-spread of the undead??
Yes it is I...
Dexx?? How did you get in the Goverment?

ZOMH: Dexx)Good or Evil? by Psychologist
Why don't you stop the Zombies? Before they hurt people.
Zombies are bad?
No S***. Haven't you played Resident Evil?
Year but they were Mutant Zombies. We have Soda-Made Zombies.
Dexx. Lets just go save the world and hope this movie bombs in the box-office.

ZOMH: *GASP* A Plot Twist by Psychologist
But we must find the creator of the soda...His codename is "Josh"
But who would be so evil to unleash Zombies?
He must have been recently hurt or forgotten?
Who have many forgotten and went on with their lives??

Yes. Two whole strippers in the series.
Who will be next?
Who knows....

To be continued...


[u]Dike[/u]phobia is the Fear of Justice. Who names this stuff?

6-11-05 8:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Four out of ten comics with zombies. I'm very disappointed in you, bud.

--S. Dummie

Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe

6-12-05 9:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Zombies on Mountain Hill

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