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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Will someone please enter my password if I give it



Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

It seems to be too much trouble transferring my comics
to this section to be looked at. I have tried. I am willing to leave my password out here so that people can visit my two full (3-frame) comics and decide how much they like them.


~ comicstrip

6-11-05 11:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

Two caring sisters having a conversation by comicstrip
Hey, sis, is there any food in the office fridge?
Food?!! I can STILL see stains of meat on your ribcage where the maggots missed.
Oh, It's not for me, it's for that starving 400 pound man over in that fancy hotel.
You're darn straight! Why should he go hungry because greedy people like you may have "missed" a meal?
Sis, you're always SO negative! Please say some positive things about your little sister before you go. Hmm?
Okay. Well, I hear people don't like tiny heads. Even without the hair, ears, and the scalp, yours is friggin' HUGE! Although I AM a bit jealous of your big eye sockets!

Fast food is not the only thing getting burnt by comicstrip
Good afternoon. May I take your order?---------------------------------------------Sure thing!
Hi, I need to know something first. Can I get a burger dressed anyway I like?------------------------------------------------Great!
Yowsa! I was talkin' about dressing the burger, ma'am!---------------------------------No offense taken. But you are so incredibly hot there that I am about to burn up.
I knew that, but I was trying to get a reaction from you. Like, oh my God, you're so cute!
I'll just tiptoe out of here. No sense in TWO hotties competing for attention in this restaurant. I'm going to *sniff* miss Shorty. Next place I'll wait one more min. before the clothes come off.

what if nigger meant kite

6-12-05 12:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

As you have seen above, all you have to do is cut and paste the URL for your comics into the message window. It's quite easy and there is no need to give your password out to do it.

6-12-05 1:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Somebody else did it for me, but I don't know the brief sequence for cut and paste. I am gtateful to see the 2 comics here now.

Please rate my two comics, everyone, with your comments.

6-12-05 6:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

In case you didn't know, wherever there are broken lines in the dialogue boxes, that is supposed to break
it into 2 boxes. You read the top of the broken lines, then read the dialogue on the right, then read
the dialogue under the broken lines. Thanks.

6-12-05 6:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

How to copy-and-paste:

Just highlight the URL in the address box, right click and select "copy." Then place the cursor where you want the URL to appear in the reply box, right click, and select "paste."

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

6-12-05 9:27am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Somebody else did it for me, but I don't know the brief sequence for cut and paste. I am gtateful to see the 2 comics here now.

Please rate my two comics, everyone, with your comments.

Since you're beating up other users on their spelling, I thought I'd point out you misspelled "grateful."

While I agree that overly misspelled comics are unreadable, everyone makes a typo or goofs on a single word every now and then. If correcting users' spelling is the only constructive criticism you can give, you can stop now.

6-12-05 9:50am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

No, you are the person who being is melodramatic by using the phrase "beating up." Typically, people that utter that phrase are insecure and throw it back at the person doing the correcting to try to shut the conversation down. That is poor arguing on your part. You COULD take back that phrase, or remain here as someone who exaggerates the constructive
criticism and twists it into "beating up."

Yes, that was one good thing you did when you pointed
out my spelling error.

Let's get things crystal clear.
If correcting users' spelling is the only constructive
criticism ANYONE can give, then there's no reason for
them to stop doing it. You are not in control of the users.

Apparently you haven't bothered to read enough of my
few posts to see that I have also commented on the content of several strips. Or if you had, you conveniently did not bring it up in your prior post. Either way, this shows that you shouldn't jump to conclusions and make public statements which show your ignorance about my motivations and talents.

6-12-05 10:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I read your other posts before making the above comments and I stand by what I have said.

6-12-05 10:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Why does comicstrip take so many new lines in his posts? Is he writing in verse?

6-12-05 11:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

6-12-05 11:13am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Then you have made my points at least DOUBLY fold.

1) You admit looking at my other posts. That put you in a position for number two.

2) Correcting spelling is already allowed, and I also commented on the quirkiness of two brothers' dialogue in a strip. When those are combined with that last sentence of yours "... you can stop..." , then it doesn't matter that you *claim* if you stand by what you have said. Why? It is because these are totally inconsistent in the real world. Your real world logic filter must be in the 'off' position.

3) "Beating up" is a phrase out of hysterics and emotionalism.

4) You didn't argue against my points.

5) Look up the main points of an argument, and try to deal with them about 50% or more of the time instead of the meaningless "I stand by what I have said."

6-12-05 11:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Thread moved here.

6-12-05 11:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Gay

Member Rated:

Here is my rating, with comments, as you have asked:

The fast food strip is awful for the following reasons:
1) Too much dialog; you could cut out half of it and you wouldn't lose anything in terms of plot development. In fact, I think your joke is in panel two. Here's how I would edit it:

Panel One:
CK: Good afternoon. May I take your order?
Panel Two:
Blonde: Can I get a burger dressed anyway I like?
Panel Three:
Yowsa! I was talkin' about dressing the burger, ma'am!
(Blonde is changed to Kaddar2 Blonde3)

Then it would be short and sweet. You still get your sight gag with Blonde taking her clothes off, and if you wanted to expand the plot, you do it in your next comic. Or you could get both your sight gags and change CK to Fire in panel three, keep the dialog, and still take off Blonde's clothes.

2) Why is Blonde sitting in a chair at a desk in the first panel? Instead of Kaddar2-Blonde-c-l, you should have used Kaddar-Blonde-2l.

3) The long underscores expand the panel horizontally and mess up the background. It looks like she's standing 15 feet away, behind another cash register from the one at which CK is working.

4) The extraneous dialog in the third panel expands the panel vertically, again, messing up the background. It's like the fast food place was designed by M.C. Escher. (Although, I probably would prefer McEscher's to McDonald's).

As far as "Two caring sisters having a conversation" goes, yes, it was a conversation. No, it wasn't a funny one.

All in all, I give your comics a D. They would have been total failures, but I gave extra points for spelling.

6-12-05 12:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I tried that with my older name I just coulnd't get my comics on the forums so I said fuck it

6-12-05 12:48pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Will someone please enter my password if I give it

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