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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » one damn crazy motherfucking frog (motherfuckers)



Stripcreator Newbie

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check out my comics about my hero the crazy frog... he is the crazest dam frog i ever did see and i think there shud be more comixxxx about the crazy frog wat do you think guys????!!!1?

Crazy Frog 2005 by kramer_vs_kramer
Wow, it's Crazy Frog! I'm your biggest fan. I have all your merchandise. Go on- do your catchphrase for me.
What? No! I'll have you know I'm a classically trained actor. There's more to me than that stupid catchphrase.
Really? What else have you been in?
I played Hamlet when I was Cambridge. And I was in Schindler's List, but they cut my scene out.
Why was that?
They felt shouting "Ring a ding ding ding bom bom bedom bem bom bedom ba ba da ba ba bom bom brrm brrm wheeee!" in the gas chamber was inappropriate.

Crazy Frog Rides Again 2005 by kramer_vs_kramer
So, why do they call you crazy, Mr Crazy Frog?
Oh, that's because of the pyromania.

I dare you to find a Crazier Frog 2005 by kramer_vs_kramer
Good day sir. I wish to purchase today's copy of the Wall St Journal and this book of Polish poetry.
Wow! You're that Crazy Frog, aren't you? Go on, do the noise.
I will most certainly not do that infernal noise. How about I read some of this poetry? autor próbuje podsumować swoje doświadczenia życiowe.
Hee! You're so funny, Crazy Frog.
That one was about children being raped and tortured.

I've seen some Crazy Frogs in my time, but this one... 2005 by kramer_vs_kramer
So, Crazy Frog, what brings you to my church?
I wish to help spread the word of God to the disadvantaged children of the parish.
The word of God, would that be "ring a ding ding ba ba bo bo bada baaaa"?
No, I'm serious. I wish to give up my media work and devote my life to The Lord.
Go on, say it. Ring-a-ding-ding!
Forget it, I'll try my luck with the Sikhs.

i hop you like my CRAZY FROG comixxxx

6-13-05 12:28pm (new)
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Film critic subordinaire

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Despite the hype, the frog actually seems pretty sane.

6-13-05 12:43pm (new)
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Mr. Wonderful

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I'll bet these would be even funnier if we could see the frog's BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

6-13-05 1:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

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6-14-05 9:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » one damn crazy motherfucking frog (motherfuckers)

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