Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Scripts with funny needed.
drawinger well now
Member Rated:
Folks, I NEED HELP!Please send in your scripts for Bob the Stick[repair]man.I will give you credit for it!I will accept all scripts,no in-jokes.
not_Scyess not laughing with you
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
HCRoyall 100mg Thorazine, Please
Those comics hurt my... my... what do you call it? My thinky-muscle thing...
---It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.
crabby I have an awesome avatar.
Yes, I am.
P.M. Your idea(s);I don't like checking this forum.
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