So basically, anyone with a different point of view from you is scum.
Yep son, that there's a republican. You'd better look free, or else he might kill you in the name of freedom. Make sure you don't look too ethnic either, and for heavens sake make sure you don't so much as glance at any guys that happen to be walking past.
Aah, whatever happened to the good ol' thought police?
So, you're pretty much saying republicans are scum because they have a different point of view from you.
No I'm saying they have a different point of view from me. If I was the sort of person to believe someone with a different point of view from me was scum, then I would say they're scum, but I'm not.
What I am saying is anyone who bans gays from getting married and bans abortions in their own country, then starts a war and kills thousands in the name of bringing their own brand of "freedom" to another country, has what I would call "pretty ######-up opinions", but still they're not scum, so long as they believe they are doing good, they're just misguided.
However, if they know fine well they're not really bringing freedom to this country and just want to make a few bucks on oil, then they're scum.
I eagerly await your next attempt to twist my words.
Freedom, my ass. We're no better off now than we were two years ago. There's no evidence he was consorting with Al Qaida, there are no WMDs, and the people here hate us. And now Bush is saying he's going to have all of us gone from the region by August of next year? I can tell you personally that it is logistically impossible, even if we started pulling everyone out right now.
You're in America, right? What if you come from another country HC Royall? Hmmm?
Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Uhhhhn. Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Click. Blam. Onomatopoeia.