I'm not sure how or if I can say this nicely, so I'm just gonna say it. You suck. This comic sucks, the other two you did suck, and you're in dead heat with Tman to be considered the suckiest suck that ever sucked a suck. In fact, you might just have him beat. Here's the main reasons why:
1)Plot? Is there something supposed to be going on? Is it supposed to be funny? I can't tell either way.
2)Captions. Captions make even potentially great comics into mediocre ones, with you they just dig you into a 6-foot hole. Give the reader enough credit to be able to figure out how the comic progresses.
3)Grammer/punctuation. Self-explanitory.
4)Just so you know, the profanity filter doesn't stop your comic from being displayed. I know it can be confusing to figure out (I didn't know how it worked when I started), but yes, you are allowed to say "fuck." We won't hold that against you, I promise.
5)Speaking of "fuck," having someone say "I'll fuck you" isn't really funny. And neither is randomly throwing in racial epithets for no reason other than you want to say "Gypsie" or whatever (and once again, spelling helps). Especially when you have no sort of joke or humor or punchline set up whatsoever. I guess what I'm trying to say here is you really need to know your audience. We're not 6-year-olds who crack up at the mere mention of "poopie" (well, some of us aren't), we're adults, we expect a bit more quality.
Now I know I just ripped you a new asshole, but try and take it constructively. Go back to the drawing board, try and utilize some of the things I just told you, and then we'll see where you stand. But seriously, the way it is right now really sucks.
If you do just one thing in life, then you need to get out more and expand your horizons. Honestly, that one thing can't possibly take-up all your time.