oh fights go here. the promised land. a place where suposedly you can bring it without reprisal from the colored.
not only do i read them i even enjoy making valid points. i mean what have you added to this discussion? evil_d yes, choadwarrior and kaufman yes, even the colored. but what have been the great points you have contributed unto us? lets see:
[*](an entire post)'You know what's awesome? How this stupid incident is STILL BEING TALKED ABOUT!'
[*](an entire post)'Since boinky was booted, I've listened to a whole lot of people arguing that he shouldn't have been banned. Yet I've still to heard one good argument to say why not.'
[*](an entire post)'Case closed.'
[*]'Rules are rules, Boinky broke 'em, I don't understand why people continue to have difficulty understanding this very simple concept.'
[*]and of course this in response to something i had said to Brad, which is more comic relief then a reply:
That's pretty much implied.
(i think the word you were going for was 'obvious' since me saying 'it seems' and then you saying 'implied' is basically you agreing with me)
hard to be considered bating people into argument when your only responding. also hard to be considered trolling when your discusing peoples points and not engaging in personal attacks. in fact id say you've demonstrated more of a trolling behavior. first because you rarely have anything worthwile to say. (i think i counted one post by you in this entire topic that was even worth reading. and that was when your mercifully gave up your attempts to debate and instead posted information about what had hapenned between boinky and chubby.) and second your more of a troll because you engage in personal attacks:
[*]'Mandingo, son, please sit down and listen for a moment.'
[*]'Although if I were to get rid of you, it would be for your gradual saturation of the forums. 349 posts in less than a month screams some kind of insecurity issues or brain disease.'
dont get me wrong. this is my kind of fun. you say i have brain disease i say only if it hitched a ride with your mothers syphilis. but if your going to start calling me a troll i'm going to bust your ass on it
i do post alot. not 'constantly to every thread' but i do post alot. since until today you were the only one who seemed to care and your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot i didnt think it really mattered if I had fun in the threads. most humor sites i've been to have a 'nothings offtopic here' attitude so i asumed it was the same here. but since dcomposed and a couple of others have said something now i'll do the intelligent thing this site doesnt do, realize that people who speak up is your best way to know the majority opinion, and cut back on my posts.
nigger me?
i'm not going to defend my comics. i like them and thats all thats matters. other people like them as well some VERY much. but honestly it doesn't surprise me that you dont care what i or others here think if it disagrees with what you think. its just that usually people who are that thick headed to think their way is the only way usually have some debating skills to back up the litle world they think they rule over
In fact, the only one glimmer of hope I have managed to find so far is this:
a comic for Haitan Butterflies
which I must say, is a pretty damn fine comic.
thank you
its more that I dont give a fuck about what you think. i care what most others here think about my forum behavior. after all, my ENTIRE POINT this whole time has been that the mods should give more respect to what the users want. its the comunitys forums, not yours, not even Brads. what scares me is the chance that you might actually have some pull with Brad on the administration of this site since you dont have to look any farther than you basing my worth as a user on your tastes in humor to see what a cancer you are to creativity here. you stifle users differences and different senses of humor by either trying to pull rank ('You're a n00b, and there's nothing worse than a n00b with an attitude.') or trying to push across your view of how the forums should be as the communitys view. but to you that probably seems 'implied' (or 'obvious' to the rest of us) since you will probbly always see these as the same since you are ruling over Haitain Butterfly land
you just seem annoying to me. you don't ever have anything important to say. think about it-- this whole post has been a reply to an attack on me. not on the topic we were discussing or my opinion on it but on me the person with the opinion. replying to you just seems like a waste of time.
if you want to get better read evil_d's posts. then read yours. (then maybe tiled the two posts horizontally and read them side by side. then maybe tile them vertically and open just your right eye and then just your left.) i dont agree with alot of what evil_d says but i respect how he says it. he doesnt revert to the 'WHY CANT YOU JUST AGREE WITH ME' strategy that seems to be all you have. he discuses and makes points then listens and gives counterpoints. hes not just throwing a tantrum like you unable to understand why people wont just agree, unable to 'understand why people continue to have difficulty understanding this very simple concept.'
i have them all. i use them all. i was having fun posting here having fun with someone overseas in the military who can't use chat programs and honestly I just made the mistake of discounting what you were saying about my posts being excessive for this forum because it was you sayin it. i should have realized that the sun even shines on a dogs ass some days
what if nigger meant kite