That one was an improvement. Keep working on strengthening them funnies. I get the feeling that one would be a lot funnier to watch played out on TV though. Particularly with good line delivery, and cheesy late-80s/early-90s rap music video type footage during the song. And little kids in jumpsuits dancing.
I'm picturing this right now and it's fucking hilarious. Ahaha. Some of the kids need really metro haircuts. Oh man, I think my spleen's exploding from the sheer hilarity of this mental image. However, this is going dangerously close to 80's Saturday-morning-you-can-do-it awful metal for kids telling them they can be anything if they just believe in themselves. Especially the part with the kids in jumpsuits. I don't know what I was thinking.
...Still, that's pretty sweet. It could use some penguins too, and pirates riding ostriches. And Mr. T needs to be giving Ernest Borgnine a piggyback ride so they can fight ther ostrich pirates. I think they could do it.
Levar Burton needs to fit into this whole mix somehow as well, but I don't know how...
It's grime time.