About two and a half years ago I had a tiff with Brad and left SC.com in a huff. Apart from losing regular contact with such a great community of cool people, this moment of misguided anger also denied some people a CD-swap compilation from me. Turns out, I was at pretty much the lowest, darkest point of a decade of depression.
Now that I'm back, I'm seeing the activity in this thread and, well, I'm feeling like a right bastard. I actually felt so guilty about leaving so many people without their CDs at the time that, although they are sitting in a neat row on my CD shelf, I have only ever listened to my CDs from round one.
Anyway, I want to make up for it. If you were one of the people denied a CD back in March/April 2003 and you are still around, please email me your address and I will send you a super-duper limited edition extended version of my original Songs from the South, expanded to a 2-disc set. The original was one disc, first half older songs, second half newer songs. I'm thinking I'll put on all the original tracks, but double it up and make a whole CD each of pre-1990 and post-1990.
I have lost all the original emails, you see. I can't even remember for certain all of the people who were in my first group and my second. I have CDs from:
- ladyjdotnet
- evil_d (pretty sure this is second-round)
- someone called Clark (itsclark maybe?)
- Fuzzyman (definitely second round)
I also have CDs from bunnerabb, redcurrant, and ArtemisStrong, but I know these ones were first round. They are all welcome to ask for SftS v2se if they want it, though. :)
Apologies to everyone disappointed all those years ago. Hopefully I can make it up to you. Oh, I'll throw in some original SC.com art like I did last time if anyone wants it, too.
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.