What the Cat Dragged In
Member Rated:
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| He OnLy WaNtEd Me FoR mY bOdY! | |
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| AaAaAaAaAaAaHh!!!!! My BrAiN, mY bEaUtIfUlL bRaIn, WhY aRe YoU dOiNg ThIs To Me??? WhY??? | |
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| ok, I realise that I made a mistake, but, I've altered your program to ignore macho idiots, I've programmed you to like sensitivity and kindness, real emotion. | |
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| ErRoR 407653X, InVaLiD rEfErEnCe!!! | |
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| Eurika! Success, now, let's go have mindless sex! | |
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| EeEe, YoU iNsEnSiTiVe BaStArD, i HaTe YoU, bOo HoO! | |
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| .....tHeN, hE pRoGrAmMeD mE tO wAnT lOvE aNd AtTeNtIoN aNd SeNsItIvItY, bUt hE tUrNeD iNtO aN aNiMaL oNlY aFtEr OnE tHiNg, ThE bAsTaRd OnLy CrEaTeD mE tO fUlFiLl HiS hOrRiBlE pErVeRtEd FaNtAsIeS! | |
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| sometimes I feel like ALL men think that we women are just their sex toys, I thought Kajun was so sweet, but now I know he's just another asshole! | |
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| dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT tHeRe'S a CeRtAiN cLoSeNeSs BeTwEeN uS? i FeEl LiKe, I'vE sOmEhOw FoUnD sOmEtHiNg In YoU tHaT i'Ve LoNgEd FoR iN a MaN! | |
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| yes, I feel it too, it's, like something I can't explain, you seem, beatifull to me....... | |
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| vvvrrroooommm scrreeeeecchh!!! | |
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| I've created a lesbian! | |
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| mMmMmMmM, sLuRp, MmMmMm, YoU tAsTe DeViNe! | |
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| ooooh, yes, oh, YES, oh yes, mmm.........I love you...... uh, what IS your name?? | |
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| yOu'Re JuSt LiKe KaJuN. wHy Do YoU hUrT fLoRa'S fEeLiNgS?? | |
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| fuck me, women really ARE complete assholes!! | |
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| oh....hey Flora, listen, I'm sorry about the other night, but it was my first time with a woman and.... | |
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|, it's OK, I over-reacted, I realised something, and look, Kajun made me into a man, see, I have a penis and everything, so, how about we give it another shot? | |
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| oh, Kajun certainly did make you a man, but, what makes you think I would want to just jump into bed with you again? | |
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| vrrrrrooooommmm sscccrrreeeccchhh!!! | |
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That will do for now. If you liked those (and you did like those, didn't you?) go read more of his stuff.
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