Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » The Cruel Reality
flesler Stripcreator Newbie
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[Click to view comic: 'The Cruel Reality'] [Click to view comic: 'The Cruel Reality 2'] [Click to view comic: 'The Cruel Reality 3']
----- Ariel Flesler
DexX What the Cat Dragged In
Yay! Simple minded insular bullshit!
---This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.
Well i'd like you to know that i'm not british...
I guessed.
finn34 King of Deadlines
i think somebody lost TEH FUNNAY
---Our liability coverage is zero. Our balls however are enormous.
flipynif1 Aparently a Creep
I was looking for sarcasm or punchilines, or cinisim. These are way to serious for me or is that why they are supposed to be funny?
I prefer to be depressed for no reason, not after reading comics.
Just a different style i guess
---I dumb :D
mandingo weak stream
i thought they were too preachy too but i think you were doomed anyway. many of the people here have a different political ideology than that so they wouldn't have liked them even if they were funny
---what if nigger meant kite
kramer_vs_kramer Stripcreator Newbie
I liked this comic, actually:
[Click to view comic: 'Run Away']
Those ones up there are shite, though.
HAHA!! Yeah that one is great!
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