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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » crabby and cpausti reveal the SECRET AGENDA!



The Nordic Soulman

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Here's a tag team crabby and I did while in IRC. We didn't exchange ideas, and we only took 10 minutes at most to make the comics, back to back. It's 24 parts long, so wait until they're all posted.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda by cpausti
Why, hello, ladies.
And helllloooo, fellas.
In this portion of the video, we'll explain how we please all humans, at any time. We will tell you how to get your own robot date, and sign you up for the War in Iraq.
Oh shit... he's got to recover... c'mon, you can do it Cuntbot!
I mean... uhh, line you up for a whore-cock slap.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 2 by crabby
This is Petey Robot. He's a virgin....
I'm a virgin.
Why don't you tell us how you spend your days Petey...
I go to radio shack and look at the RC cars and wish I was a famous Indy driver!
Tell the truth Petey....
I spend all day sniffing my robo-mothers anti-static panties and licking 9 volt batteries.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 3 by cpausti
Today we lost our good friend Assbot to the terrible earthquake in Pakistan.
He heard about hundreds of needy people with barely anything to live on. Too bad he rushed over there without any supplies.
It might have been because I told him they study the Kama Sutra.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 4 by crabby
Why are you staring at me like that?
I mean, I just don;t get it. You introduce a film on robot dating services. You show the film on robot dating services and then you just act like the film never happened.
Well these conventions move fast. You have to react quick to keep the competition on their toes.
What competition? What convention?
The geneva convention.
I think I'm going to look for a new buisness partner.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 5 by cpausti
But.. I thought we'd be together forever?!
It has to end somewhere.
Are you filming this?
Uh, yeah.
You're filming our arguments for your own personal benefit?!
You didn't mind when I filmed me assraping you.

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

10-11-05 2:22am (new)
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The Nordic Soulman

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Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 6 by crabby
I didn't mind the assrape because it was tasteful and educational. If you want to get a new partner I'll just go back to selling yearbooks to needy high schoolers.
Before we met, you were a Tandy.
A Tandy that sold yearbooks to needy high schoolers.
No, actually I found you at a creepy guy's garage sale.
Creepy guy? Father?
You need to do some soul searching my friend.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 7 by cpausti
Do you know father's address?
I'm sorry to tell you this. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Daddy? Is that you?
Son.. you found me. I programmed you 3 years ago to spread the word about the Iraq war.
But... what's with all the assrape?
Oh, uh.. heh. Laura threw that in. She never gets tired of a good assrape joke.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 8 by crabby
I don't understand. Why would the President have a Tandy? Why would the President have a garage sale?
Why the fuck wouldn't I?
This is wrong. Something is Wrong! Does not compute.
You alright boy?
I never did like them Tandys.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 9 by cpausti
Aw poor guy.
Don't worry. You can still visit him in heavenly hauntings.
What about assr- I mean... sexual activity?
Psh, FUCK yes. Why do you think there have been so many celebrity tit slips lately?

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 10 by crabby
So, I talked to Jesus and I'm haunting you from beyond the grave so you can assrape me some more.
You really are a whore. I have a new buisness partner now anyway. I'm moving on up in the world. Meet Jenna.
You're leaving me for human flesh?
She's also really cool. She's got one of those iPOD nanos. The black one's those are hard to find. Can you find something that cool in heaven?

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

10-11-05 2:24am (new)
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The Nordic Soulman

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Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 11 by cpausti
You bet I can! You'll see!! I'll show you!!!!
He thinks those black Nanos are cool... well... I'll find.. a... a black angel!!!
HAHA! I'm sorry. I thought I just heard "black angel."

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 12 by crabby
Hey, whats up? I'm a dinosaur. I was sent from heaven by some sort of cuntbot to impress you.
Why would I be impressed by a smoing dinosaur?
Look kid, I don;t give a fuck if you're impressed or not. They paid me for a seven hour personal appearance. I'm following you around whether you like it or not.
Will you buy me some cool cigarettes like you have?
Anything you want kid. Anything you want.
Can we go to the amusement park and win stuffed animals?

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 13 by cpausti
Can you sneak me into an R rated movie?
Uh.. how old are you?
Can you buy me 2000 tokens at Chuck E. Cheese's?
Look man.. or uh.. kid. I'm not gonna cart you around like some toddler bitch.
Can you anally dominate me for multiple hours on end, resulting only in the bloody wrangling of my rectum?

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 14 by crabby
Kid, robot. I'm gonna give you a great piece of advice my grandfather told me once upon a time.
What would that be?
Never ask another man to anally dominate you. If you want something bad enough you have to take it yourself.
You want me to rape you into raping me?
Look, I'm gonna give you an address to send away for a dating service tape. It will have all the answers you need.
Can you buy me some beer before you leave?

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 15 by cpausti
Hmmm... I wonder what this video he had me send for is about.
Why, hello ladies.
NOOOO!! THIS WAS... our video...

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

10-11-05 2:25am (new)
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The Nordic Soulman

Member Rated:

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 16 by crabby
I heard you calling for me in heaven. I'm so glad you have finally decided to love me as I love you.
What the fuck? I just wanted you to know that some guy in Boise has been bootlegging our movie and selling them as his own. I'm gonna sue the pants off of him and get rich.
What good is money. Money can't buy you love.
No, but I'll finally be able to get that human body I've always wanted. I can finally afford the surgery.
What about the lawyer fees?
I seriously didn;t take that into account.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 17 by cpausti
Perhaps if you fired that Jenn bitch you could afford the lawyer fees.
Don't call her a bitch! She's most definitely a hoe!
Okay okay. But you could save a lot of money without her.
I guess you're right... But if I become a human, who will be there for me to fuck?
You could totally get on that dinosaur guy.
Nah, I tried. He said he didn't get anything out of it, but I'm pretty sure he got syphillis.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 18 by crabby
I talked to Jesus and he said no one with syphillis gets into heaven. So you must be sleeping around more than you let on.
Can;t you just watch me all the time in heaven. I mean if you're so concerned why not just follow my every move?
In heaven they show Happy Days all day. And not the crappy ones near the end. They show the good ones.
This is going to be the first and last time i say this. Are you ready?
I'm amazingly jealous of you right now.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 19 by cpausti
Haha, oh Fonz.
What the hell is happening?!? Where did the Fonz go!?
Why, hello, ladies.
FUCK! Jesus!! Did you order those videos?
Yeah, from some guy in Boise. I just totally assraped Rodney Dangerfield.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 20 by crabby
Jenn, I wanna go to heaven so I can watch Happy Days all day, but I gotta die first. Since you can't go to heaven if you commit suicide I need you to kill me.
Now, you realize the only way to kill a robot is to track down the person who built that robot and have him do the killing since only the creator of the robot can kill said robot.
Just cut off my head or something.

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

10-11-05 2:28am (new)
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The Nordic Soulman

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Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 21 by cpausti
Okay, well, let's get this over with.
Here goes.
You aren't feeling sad about me leaving?
Nope. My asshole will get a fucking rest!
HA! So you think! I hired my good friend Dinosaur to keep the rape truck fueled!

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 22 by crabby
Great more robots. Before I let you into heaven, I need to ask you a few questions. The first being whats the deal with all the assrape?
Well, see there's this guy TOBOR and even when I'm not portraying that particular character, I still keep the assrape. I don;t get it either.
Fair enough. The second question. How did you hire a dinosaur who only spent seven hours with you to, "keep the rape truck fuled?"
You got me on that one, you're guess is as good as mine.
I like you're style. Hurry up and get in there. Its the one where they tell Potsy to sit on it!
Heaven is good.

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 23 by cpausti
Yay! It's great to be back together again! I don't even know why we fought!
I know!!!
I mean, we get along so well, we never boss each other around, and we have mutual gay sex!
Now shut the fuck up, bitch! It's about to switch over to Charles In Charge!
I want Charles in charge of ME!

Robot Dating Service Secret Agenda 24
Heaven makes people completely reverse roles.
  by crabby, 10-11-05 

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

10-11-05 2:30am (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

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I am frightened. Frightened down to my very soul.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

10-11-05 3:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

You both have teh funnay, make a good team!

I dumb :D

10-12-05 3:20pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » crabby and cpausti reveal the SECRET AGENDA!

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