Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Stamping out racism
suicide_king There's no I in team - - but there's T & A.
Member Rated:
flipynif1 Aparently a Creep
haha That's good, though i would have used jewed.
---I dumb :D
Chuckaduck My tongue's your thong...
Word to the strip. Word to flipynif. Word.
---Don't like it? Eat me.
mandingo weak stream
jews aren't thieves though. nigs are. that's the whole joke. THAT'S THE WHOLE JOKE!!!!!111111
liked it
---what if nigger meant kite
Jirachi_Prime Pink Donkey Wrangler
Man that was super.
I love your What if a ...... was called a niger sireis
Hey read my Man Alien and Robot shit.
---The Australian Pokemon.
thanks, but that one above wasn't mine, it just captures my very heart and soul
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