areallystupidguy has handed me the hosting of Hurt and Heal for a few simple reasons so i have to roll on responsiblity and host it.
All the rules will stay the same. If you don't remember what they are:
1. Everyone starts out with 10 points.
2. Any user can remove a point and add a point to any entrant they wish.
3. Alternatively, they may take two away or add two to any user rather that adding one and taking one.
4. If someone runs out of points, they're out. The last one left wins.
5. hurting -2 points and healing only +1.
I will be the first person to sign up. Anyone can sign up, there are 39 slots left, if we even get to that many. No game if we don't get over 14 competitors.
Just reply by copy/pasting the list and adding yourself at the end.
1. HotRodDeathToll
The dictator of love and his weapon of mass destruction