Pink Donkey Wrangler
Member Rated:
ANAL SEX, that is!
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| I read something pretty interesting today. One out of five above age 18 are afraid of the dark. | |
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| That IS interesting, Gayvin. | |
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| Yes. Answer truthfully now, Belvin, are YOU afraid of the dark? | |
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| What do you mean "I don't know"? | |
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| I have'nt slept with the lights out since 1992. | |
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| I am starting to get tired of this ugly, gray shithole. | |
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| Let's go somewhere else! Somewhere hot! | |
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| Yeah! Let's go to Hawaii! | |
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | *KnOcK* *KnOcK*
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| I be ready for trick'n'treat-day today. Oh, yes I be. Today no little kid shall receive the candy. Oh, no, sir. | |
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| Thare! I hear the sound of knockings. Those shitty-fuck kids will not receive the candy. | |
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| Huh-buh... You go alone little girl? But... Allrighty, wait here seconds. | |
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| Fudge, why do they send sweet li'l five year-olds on trick or treat. They are simply irresistable... | |
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| Yep, I must say I feel kinda bad for this. | |
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--- All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!