Well, for an example..
Imagine there's this forum where folks post stuff.
Funny stuff.
Comic funny stuff.
And funny posts.
Now this new member comes along and posts a topic asking for comic feedback.
Doesn't bother reading the FAQ to see how to post comics in the topic, just expects folks to do him or her the favor of looking for themselves.
Doesn't get a reply in the first ten seconds.
Posts another topic begging.
Doesn't get a reply in the next ten seconds.
Posts another topic demanding.
Does it again.
Then once more.
Gets angry at members getting angry with him/her for the behavior.
Includes a highly obnoxious amount of exclamation points in his/her posts.
Then claims folks here can hit a nerve.
Then doesn't get it when one of said folks tells them the feeling is mutual forcing said folk to post a breakdown of what should be obvious.
Don't like it? Eat me.