Now, I'm also a n00b here, so I don't know if I've gained my talking privilages yet, but I think this comic sounds like a great idea. As long as you manage to have a significant story thread in there, it should be pretty good. I read the comics and there not laugh out loud, but there not bad, and first comics are always tough it seems, especially in a series. I mean if you look at the comic series I'm starting(Apocalypse Town) in my profie the first ones I have made so far really blow, but I'm sure(hoping) they will get better as time goes on and I establish the characters. I think as long as you follow through, you could end up making a great comic here.
"I kind of ran over his dog once."
"You did?!"
"Well, replace dog with son and once with repeatedly . . . ."
The Genius that is the Simpsons.