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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » The Spread Of Islam



Stripcreator Newbie

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The Spread Of Islam #1 by Fingal
Become an Islamic!
Why? What would make it better than any other religeon?
Well uhh... you get to go to a place after you die where there you get to screw virgins.
I thought you would've liked that part.

The Spread Of Islam #2 by Fingal
Ever heard of a religeon called Islam?
You probably haven't because you're all a bunch of Christian Faggots!
What? It's True!

The Spread Of Islam #3 by Fingal
Are you Muslim?
No, I'm a Taoist.
That religeon sucks, come and join Islam
Was it something i said?

The Spread Of Islam #4 by Fingal
So i says 'Them Athiests aint gonna convert to Islam themselves'
Join Islam!

The Spread Of Islam #5 by Fingal
Hello, i am your substitute teacher for the day.
Today you guys are going to learn about how Islam is superior to all other religions.

I'm just like an angel

1-11-06 9:26pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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The Spread Of Islam #6 by Fingal
I'd like to speak to you about our relationship with you.
I believe that we should be peaceful towards your country and your people.
Also i believe that you guys should give us Jerusulam and grow your foreskins back.

The Spread Of Islam #7 by Fingal
Become a Muslim!
You can grow a beard if you're a woman, you don't have to worry about being hairy! Which would it with you easy because you shave don't you?
This is because i'm black isn't it?

The Spread Of Islam #8 by Fingal
'Follow Islam, It's way better than the other religions'
Haha i have finished my website! Now to upload the file to
*uploading*(This may take a minute)
I can't wait!
Sorry your website cannot be published on this server because it is under a sway of a heathen religeon.

The Spread Of Islam #9 by Fingal
Hey what are you doing?
I'm putting up posters promoting 'Paganism'
But you put it over my poster.
Who cares?
I care, if your going to put it over a poster of some sort put over the ones promoting clothes or something. You stupid Pagan!
Shucks, whats the point you're all just going to blow yourselves up anyway.

The Spread Of Islam #10 by Fingal
Good morning may i help you?
Yes please can i buy some Islamic chewing gum, muslim ice creams and some abraham buiscits.
I'll go check if we have any of those.
What is it Betty?e
It's some Islamic guy. Should i blow his brains out like i did with the last one?

I'm just like an angel

1-11-06 9:27pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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The Spread Of Judaism #1 by Fingal
Hello, and welcome to the church of Judaism.
But this is the church of Christianity.
Fuck! I knew i forgot something!

The Spread Of Judaism #2 by Fingal
Hello, and welcome to the church of Judaism.
But this is just a barn.
You got it!

The Spread Of Judaism #3 by Fingal
Hello, would you like to become Jewish?
Sorry mate, I'm an Athiest.
Thats okay.
Just as long as you arn't Christian.

The Spread Of Judaism #4 by Fingal
Hello, would you like to become Jewish?
No thanks, I'm a fucking Athiest.
Well thats a relief
Because it's harder to do surgery when their older.

The Spread Of Judaism #5 by Fingal
So is this the 'Temple of Solomon' you and your jew friends made?
Well it sucks
Yes it isn't quite complete.
No i said it sucks not that it was incomplete.

I'm just like an angel

1-12-06 1:14am (new)
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Has serious reservations about reality

Member Rated:

Nice CivIV reference. Also: religion is funny.

The tongue licking the ars of pretension.

1-12-06 4:52am (new)
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i cheese grated my penis for attention

Member Rated:

hahahah wicked comics,
gods a cunt!!!

1-12-06 7:01am (new)
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Comic Overlord

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where is the CIV IV reference?

1-12-06 10:50am (new)
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not laughing with you

Member Rated:

What the hell is CIV IV?

I actually like most of your comics. Yay, you.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-12-06 11:33am (new)
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My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Islam #5 is d'bomb.

Don't like it? Eat me.

1-12-06 12:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

Good times all around.


1-12-06 12:15pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Thanks everyone!

Oh and none of my comics really refer to CIV IV but i got the information and inspiration from it.

I'm just like an angel

1-12-06 5:00pm (new)
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Has serious reservations about reality

Member Rated:

"Sorry your website cannot be published on this server because it is under a sway of a heathen religeon."

Being "under the sway of a heathen religion" is one of the reasons other civs hate you in Civ IV.

Civ IV being Civilization IV, the turn-based strategy game.

The tongue licking the ars of pretension.

1-12-06 5:12pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I guess so

I'm just like an angel

1-12-06 6:26pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Wait, what am i talking about? i always knew.

I'm just like an angel

1-12-06 6:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I reckon these are really bad
The Spread Of Chirstianity #1 by Fingal
Do YOU sir want to join the church of Christianity?
AH fuck, i though this was for church of teenage angst.

The Spread Of Chirstianity #2 by Fingal
What is my brother?
I have a question.
What is it?
I follow all the requirements and i do everything to be a good Christian but i hate God, am i still Christian?
Thats okay, i hate him too.

The Spread Of Chirstianity #3 by Fingal
Hello Rodger, i would like you to convert to christianity or i will have to screw your children.
I will no reason with commonds o terrorists.
But i'm not a terrorist, i'm a preist.

The Spread Of Chirstianity #4 by Fingal
[Christ speaking] "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly"
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"
At least that's what it says in this book.

The Spread Of Chirstianity #5 by Fingal
What is it my child that you wanted?
I need help.
With what?
Spreading our great religion.
Well, you could start by not screwing everyones children.

I'm just like an angel

1-13-06 10:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

Not as good, but definitely not "really bad."

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-14-06 8:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Islam ones were awesome, but the Christianity ones felt lacking. I did like the teenage angst one, though. Take that you depressing emo bastards! Some how I have a feeling you are gonna make some great comics on this site.

"I kind of ran over his dog once." "You did?!" "Well, replace dog with son and once with repeatedly . . . ." The Genius that is the Simpsons.

1-14-06 2:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

i cheese grated my penis for attention

Member Rated:

religeon is GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by mattmallone
hello, im a steriotypical right wing ignorant fundalmentalist christian
hello i am a steriotypical ignorant islamic extremist
my believes seem absoulutely stupid, and retarted to an educated person
my believes seem absoulutely stupid, and retarted to an educated person

1-15-06 7:46pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » The Spread Of Islam

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