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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Late Night Conversations with Lauren and Alden



Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Read it.
This is an autobiographical comic based on conversations I've had with my little sister, who is also my roommate.
*shrugs* its just kind of a joke...and neither of us can draw...

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

1-31-06 12:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

[Click to view comic: '3']" />

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

1-31-06 2:11pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

I thought ignoring this would make it go away. Your comics are bad. They're "you had to be there" comics, which isn't good in verbal stories or in print.

Mediocrity at its most average.

1-31-06 2:20pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Thanks for the input.
eat a queer fetus for Jesus!

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

1-31-06 9:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

How do I know if it's queer or not? And why is the mexican guy who mows my lawn asking me to eat a fetus?

Mediocrity at its most average.

2-01-06 8:41am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

You must be loved

I dumb :D

2-01-06 9:10am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I just googled that and realized I quoted some guy who calls himself the "Liberal Avenger."

"Best of

The sordid tale of Michelle Malkin and her puppeteer husband Jesse - two voices, acting as one, wrapped up in a pretty package. Easy-to-digest racism for the masses."

*blink blink*

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-01-06 9:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Starting over.

Your comics could be better if they weren't full of inside jokes that we are not included in on.

Mediocrity at its most average.

2-01-06 10:00am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Starting over.

Your comics could be better if they weren't full of inside jokes that we are not included in on.

Understandable :P
I'll work on that in the future.
This whole thing came about as a result of a joke my sister and I had going on Myspace where we would post random snippits of conversations we would have late in the evening when we were both on our computers (although the one about the burned pretzel was actually her calling me at work...)
This is just kind of an experiment, as we had so much fun with that and a ton of positive feedback. (then again I know all the people and they do read our blogs on a pretty regular basis so I'm sure it made a lot more sense to them)
So I do appreciate the input and suggestions are always welcome.

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-01-06 10:16am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I'll explain the comics I have up and later I'll add a back story:

[Click to view comic: 'Late Night Conversations with Lauren and Alden']" />
I hated the movie "The Notebook," before I ever even saw it because Alden saw it first and screamed "SAY I'M A BIRD!" (a quote from the movie) at me about 15 times every hour for at least 2 weeks.

The next two were actually posted out of sequence, so I'll fix that here:
[Click to view comic: '3']" />
Ah yes...the incident with the pretzel...
I was at work when I got a phone call from my sister.
Alden had pulled some pretzel in plastic out of the freezer and stuck it, plastic wrapping and all, in the microwave for, like, 15 minutes. (this is her first time living on "her own.") She freaked out and called me...That was the whole conversation...when I got home we sat down to have dinner and that's when the next conversation ocurred:
[Click to view comic: '2']" />

She did, in fact, have charred pretzel stuck to her cleavage.
I don't know how...we had not even cleaned it up took me FOREVER to scrape all of the charred pretzel and melted plastic off the tray in the microwave and the apartment still REAKS of smoke.

[Click to view comic: '4']" />

I volunteered for a haunted house during the month of October and the back-pack in question went everywhere with me that month. There was everything from fake eye-lashes, to rubber bugs, to candy in that back-pack. (I love October)
Sharing the apartment with us is a dog and three cats who seem to get into everything...which is why she was asking if there was anything in there that had not been opened or chewed upon.

[Click to view comic: '5']" />
and yet another movie quote...
This one is from "Legends of the Fall."
It was the father's response (along with a flipping of the bird) to something pertaining to politics. He had had a stroke and could barely talk and when he did, he had to do so out of the corner of his mouth so it came out more like SCREWM...or something like that...
This, of course, was the only part of the movie I paid any attention to.
On to the comic...
We were re-theming the bathroom because my mother had taking it upon herself to buy us a duckie shower curtain...and we needed new mats and stuff, anyway.
So we go to WalMart and spend forever and a day wandering through the bath section looking for duckie themed stuff...there was no duckie themed stuff...we finally got annoyed and that's when we started in with the "SCREW-EM!"
We were running around Walmart flipping off random strangers and yelling "SCREW-EM!" out of the corners of our mouths...yes that's pretty normal behavior for us...

as for the back story...

This would be me:

and this would be Alden:

We're polar opposites. She's the bouncy, blonde, sorority-type. I'm the mostly quite although incredibly sarcastic type. I'm also the responsible one and she's the giggly liability.
The only thing we have in common besides parents is that we both have ADHD and it makes for interesting conversations.

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-01-06 12:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Yep, my career as the resident young hottie is now over.

Mediocrity at its most average.

2-01-06 12:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Personally speaking I'd have to see something other than that avatar to make a ruling there..

Don't like it? Eat me.

2-01-06 1:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Personally speaking I'd have to see something other than that avatar to make a ruling there..

"hint hint motherfucking hint." -R.K. Milholland

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-01-06 1:13pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is never bored.

Member Rated:

Personally speaking I'd have to see something other than that avatar to make a ruling there..

forum search feature, search for "Chicka Wedding Countdown". That thread is full of pictures of me.

Mediocrity at its most average.

2-01-06 2:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Cutie. +. Pie.

And not at all what I expected from the SC character you have here. THAT little image looks spookyinglylingly like my Mrs..

Don't like it? Eat me.

2-01-06 2:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

you...are absolutely adorable and that dress is gorgeous.

I really don't have that many pictures of me online...out of costume, anyway...

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-01-06 2:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

I smell a sitcom.

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

2-01-06 5:05pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

[Click to view comic: 'and then...']" />

this involved an over-worked Lauren, a superman cape, and about 5 cokes.

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-02-06 8:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Born again virgin

Member Rated:

We're polar opposites. She's the bouncy, blonde, sorority-type. I'm the mostly quite although incredibly sarcastic type. I'm also the responsible one and she's the giggly liability.
The only thing we have in common besides parents is that we both have ADHD and it makes for interesting conversations.

I smell a sitcom.

Wheres a token minority when you need one...

2-02-06 8:27pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

[Click to view comic: 'Token Black Man']" />

I have cats, cable, and a vibrator. What makes you think you can compete?

2-03-06 12:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Talentless Hack

Member Rated:


I'll explain the comics I have up and later I'll add a back story:

You realise that if you have to explain a joke, 9 times out of 10 it probably wasnt funny in the first place. As for your comics, you don't really have enough for me to give you a rating, and I tend not to judge on the basis of the first few. Constructively Id make the following points;
If you're happy with the autobiographical style, and they have personal meaning to you fine continue as you are. I would suggest that pick characters for yourself and your sister from the multitude of characters on the site, Kaddars Blonde, and brunette would probably be a good fit.

Secondly unless its a quirky one-liner I think you'd be more suited to the 3 panel format, rather than just one,

Thirdly if you are looking to get a good rating, or simply be funny then theres a simple formulaic way to get started

Panel 1: Concept (or Hook)
Panel 2: Buildup
Panel 3: Punchline

The third or last panel is probably the most important element. There are other styles, but this one is perhaps the easiest to get to grips with especially if you are just starting to tinker with this site. Many three panel comic strips in newspapers have this format, and it works quite well for even weak jokes.

Fourthly keep stripping, sometimes you find for every ten pieces of crap you make there comes a nugget of genius.

Fifthly If comics dont explain themselves they need no explaination.

Sixthly Women in glasses are hot.

2-04-06 3:45am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

I thought your boners were erection. One stiffie I'd like to hot glasses though, is that without the narrative devices that sex fuck, you cant really understand the humpahumpahumpahumpa.

But, if you hard dong, then ass tits suck nipple.

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

2-08-06 1:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Pinnochio Ninja

Member Rated:

Your comics ain't great, but by God you're attractive.

"Chance!? You had your chance, and you gobbled its balls!"

2-14-06 7:16am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Late Night Conversations with Lauren and Alden

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