Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » This is my boorite here
Kaenash Comic Overlord
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I was trying to theorize about the origin of the handle 'boorite' and this caption came to me.
"This is my boorite here, yo dog"
ivytheplant Obsessive Comic Disorder
BigFrank105 Obsessive Comic Disorder
[Click to view comic: 'Mr. boorite goes full ghetto']
See? He was right!
[ Posted comic does not exist ]
boorite crazy knife lady
[Click to view comic: 'Origins']
---What others say about boorite!
Good one! now that you have explained it, Here is the final one of my trilogy exploring the origins of the name boorite.
mandingo weak stream
---what if nigger meant kite
one word, and that word is 'plastics'
I've branched out in my theory of origins.
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