Hi, a small number of people on here may have remembered me from before. Anyway, I'm back with a brand new set of comics, so read and enjoy.
NB. BigFrank, I know it seems weird that I made a 1984-based comic a few weeks after your one, but I promise you it was just because I finished reading the book. Coincidence. Promise...
Anyway, have a look, see if you like em...
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| Wait!!! You speak...English? | |
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| And the company Ferrari will be right over, Mr CEO. | |
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| Jansen! What are you doing? | |
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| Using the minimum effort possible, I'm dragging a broken broom of which the bristles are already worn down to mere inches, yawning and stopping every few seconds to evaluate my sad life. | |
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| I'm also sweeping the one spot on the whole floor and have been doing so for the last three hours, while burping loudly and whistling at any female customers that walk in. | |
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| I mean, er, just cleaining up, sir. | |
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| It's Day Twelve in the Big Brother house and George Gallloway has been arrested for being a Thought Criminal | |
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| There never was a George Galloway | |
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| Oh yeah, I've been meaning to show you this website. | |
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| This isn't one of your weird PVC sites is it? | |
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| Erm...no. Look, you can create comic strips on it. I'll tkae you to the 'register' section... | |
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| Who said i was a builder i thought this was the brokeback mountain audition | |
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| Must destroy the evil I created... | |
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As you've probably guessed, the user chimppimp is my mate in real life. Please rate him positively, his ego is so fragile... Sorry Chris, joke. Your comics were good.
Does anyone feel like a little -giggle- when I mention my friend, Biggus Dickus?