Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Please read and vote
flesler Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
[Click to view comic: 'The Distraction'] [Click to view comic: 'The Final Wish'] [Click to view comic: 'Just a Detail'] [Click to view comic: 'The Interesting Tour'] [Click to view comic: 'I hate Colored People!']
----- Ariel Flesler
crabby I have an awesome avatar.
I thought some of them were pretty damn funny!
SPAgentJackBauer24 Pink Donkey Wrangler
---I'm at The-Geek. The-Geek is my home. thegeek is the maker of The-Geek. I know that's complex.
Sorry, i've never voted b4, so I need to know how to vote. I want to give you a 5.
AngryAmerican Here at least 3 times a year
i don't know what's wrong with me, but i thought they pretty muck sucked except for the last one which was OK. keep at it....
---Kill Whitey.
CheerUpEmoKid Member - Tobor Fan Club
The first two were quite funny
---"Cerebral ... does that mean your heart?"
Can someone tell me how to vote?!
FinnNYC germs
First, check to see if the comic was made by you. If not, click the "Bad" link under the comic.
----=- You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world. -=-
attitudechicka is never bored.
---Mediocrity at its most average.
[Click to view comic: 'Staring at the stars'] [Click to view comic: 'People change, situations don´t....'] [Click to view comic: 'What a Freak']
Kaenash Comic Overlord
too long, didn't read.
one vote; against
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